OPCommCSEDU 2020 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 4

Atelier for Creative Programming


Ansgar Fehnker and Angelika Mader

Abstract: The aim of the Atelier project is to develop an online platform that creates an atelier-like setting that emphasizes collaboration and sharing of ideas. It is built for the Community of Practice of students, student assistants, and lecturers involved in teaching programming in PROCESSING in the first year of the bachelor programme Creative Technology (CreaTe) at the University of Twente. CreaTe is a design programme, with an engineering background in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. It extols its own design philosophy, which emphasizes autonomous design, creative thinking, multidisciplinary teams, tinkering and reflection. The motivation behind Atelier is to support the teaching team, to help it to create a Community of Practice where face-to-face tutoring is central. It is consciously not intended to replace face-to-face tutoring.

Area 1 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 3

Multi-dimensional Musical Competence Assessment Design and Software Testing—Musical Competence Evaluation and Analysis of New Students Enrolled in Different Programmes at the Central Conservatory of Music


Yuru Pei

Abstract: As a compulsory subject in all music programmes, solfeggio is aimed at training students’ musical competence and complementing their specialised music education. Therefore, improving the training efficiency of solfeggio lessons is of great importance to every student that is studying music. In Chinese music institutions, solfeggio is usually taught as a master class of 15-20 students. Before the start of the school year, every student must undergo a solfeggio assessment so that those with similar musical competence can study in the same class. In the present solfeggio assessment, every student is given two marks, one for dictation and one for sight singing. There is no detailed assessment or analysis of musical competence. Students split into different classes by the two-mark system tend to vary in their abilities, which is not favourable for improving training efficiency. Therefore, an assessment aimed at testing the many dimensions of musical competence should be devised to precisely evaluate the test takers. This study categorises musical competence in a detailed manner and formulates marking principles and criteria; then, assessment questions and precision scoring system are devised in accordance with the guidelines above; next, all questions are recorded in the system to produce standardised marking software that could test a multitude of musical competences; afterwards, students are organised to undergo a solfeggio assessment by using the software to acquire an array of musical competence indexes; finally, multi-dimensional musical competence evaluation and analysis are performed. In the solfeggio assessment, musical competence evaluation and analysis help tutors gain a more precise understanding of students’ various musical competences and increases the training efficiency of solfeggio lessons. On 25 and 26 August 2019, 9 tutors of the solfeggio teaching and research department carried out a solfeggio class splitting exam on 43 students from 5 faculties. The exam lasted 14 hours and 34 minutes, with 1148 questions asked and 3351 dimensional scores acquired. This assessment has obtained many meaningful education statistics. Obtaining many musical competence indexes from each student helps tutors devise targeted teaching sessions; evaluation and analysis of musical competence of different students in the same programme help to illustrate the differences in music education received by students from different cities; contrastive analysis of students in different programmes but within the same faculty helps in the study of the auxiliary effect of specialised education on the training of musical competence. All results above have laid the foundation for data research in the improvement of teaching quality, collection of big data in education and development of intelligent educational products.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 5

Impact of Technical Support on Educators’ Behaviour when Producing Open Educational Resources


Lubna Ali

Abstract: Open Educational Resources (OER) are an important element in the process of digitizing higher education teaching and are seen as an essential building block for openness in the education system. OER can potentially play an important role in improving the education around the globe, since it eases the access to high quality digital educational materials. However, there are challenges that are facing the deployment of OER in higher education. One of the most important challenges is the production of new OER materials and the conversion of already existing educational resources to OER. This could be viable by qualifying educators and teachers through training courses and/or supporting them with appropriate tools. There are many tools to create new OER contents. However, there is a huge amount of already produced and well-tested educational materials, which could be utilized and converted to OER instead of producing new content from the scratch. In this project, we will suggest methods to overcome some of the challenges facing the educators when dealing with OER in order to ease the deployment of OER. Additionally, we will develop a tool to support converting the educational materials to OER and we will evaluate its functionality. We will also investigate, to which extent the technical support can improve the utilization of OER in higher education context.