EKM 2023 Abstracts

Area 1 - Educational Knowledge Management

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 9

Teachers Facing Psychosocial Risks: Adaptation of a French Context Questionnaire to Egypt


Fatiha Tali, Christine Lahoud, Elsa Negre and Marie-Hélène Abel

Abstract: The internationalization of university studies has led to reforms which may have produced significant changes in the working conditions of teachers. This situation can lead to the development of factors promoting the emergence of psychosocial risks (PSRs) that can have significant implications on the health of these teachers. One of the well-known PSRs is the stress that teachers may experience due to heavy workloads, lack of social support and limited resources. This can lead to frustration, lack of motivation and/or burnout, which can affect the quality of teaching and student outcomes. Although many studies exist in France to identify the PSRs in order to prevent them, it is yet limited in Egypt. This work is in line with the objectives of the Imhotep project in order to prevent teachers from psychosocial risks at work. The aim of this study is to present the process of adapting and validating a French questionnaire for assessing psychosocial risks in the Egyptian context.

Paper Nr: 10

Multi-Lang Question Answering Framework for Decision Support in Educational Institutes


Walaa A. Elnozahy and Ghada A. El Khayat

Abstract: Language Diversity has always been an important factor in different educational institutes; Also, a challenge for those interested in Data Analysis, Question answering, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Researchers who are interested in linguistics are involved in enhancing language processing techniques, and how to apply them. They usually work through Question answering systems or Chatbots. Question Answering Systems and chatbots are now highly recognized, especially after the huge commercial announcement for services such as ChatGPT and Google’s new AI tool. Considering that these tools are very useful as opendomain tools. However, if we think from an institutional perspective, it will require further validation due to the domain type and the data type. it’s also easier for the Decision maker to comprehend and use. During the past few years, many attempts have been made to include Question Answering Systems in the Education sector. However, most of these attempts were single language Software mostly using English. Also, targeted students as a decision-maker to support the education process between teachers and students instead of the educational actors on a strategic level. The scarcity of the tools available in this domain, make it a challenging topic that needs more research attention. In this research, we are Proposing a Multi-lang Question Answering Framework that aims to support the Educational Sector from a strategic point of view. It aims to provide a Generic framework that will help Universities Identify the Students who will be best fit for a specific university program. The framework aims to cope with and adjust to the data type and enhance its conditions from historical data. Regardless of the resource language and origin. It is based on an ontological model for the education domain and uses NLP to process the data and get relevant answers for the users. Future work for this research will focus on enhancing the retrieval for the system, especially using the Arabic language, and support more languages in the tool.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 5

EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data


Aymen A. Bazouzi, Mickaël Foursov, Hoël Le Capitaine and Zoltan Miklos

Abstract: There are a lot of educational resources publicly available online. Recommender systems and information retrieval engines can help learners and educators navigate in these resources. However, the available educational resources differ in format, size, type, topics, etc. These differences complicate their use and manipulation which raised the need for having a common representation for educational resources and texts in general. Efforts have been made by the research community to create various techniques to homogeneously represent these resources. Although these representations have achieved incredible results in many tasks, they seem to be dependent on the writing style and not only on the content. Furthermore, they do not generate representations that reflect a semantic representation of the content. In this work, we present a new task-agnostic method (EMBEDD-ER) to generate representations for educational resources based on document annotation and Linked Open Data (LOD). It creates representations that are focused on the content, compact, and can be generalized to unseen resources without requiring extra training. The resulting representations encapsulate the information found in the resources and project similar resources closer to one another than to non-similar ones. Empirical tests have shown promising results both visually and in a subject classification task.

Paper Nr: 8

Ear Training Applications in Music Education: Exploring Utilization, Effectiveness, and Adoption Factors in France


David Andres Munive Benites, Philippe Lalitte and Victoria Eyharabide

Abstract: This study investigates the utilization of ear training applications in the context of music education in France. Ear training is a crucial skill for musicians that involves the ability to identify and reproduce musical sounds. Mobile applications are increasingly being used to support and enhance this skill. The study examines the prevalence of ear training applications among music students and instructors, their perceived effectiveness, and the factors that influence their adoption and use. It also explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of integrating ear training apps into music education curricula. The data was collected through a survey of 125 students, as well as interviews with eight teachers and four developers. Results show that ear training apps have potential benefits for music education in France, but are currently underutilized. While students are willing to use them, teachers face challenges in finding apps that align with their pedagogical methods and provide high-quality musical examples. Improved integration of ear training tools could be achieved by focusing on music perception, memory, and metacognitive learning skills.

Paper Nr: 11

Towards Serendipitous Learning Resource Recommendation


Sahar Sayahi, Leila Ghorbel, Corinne Amel Zayani and Ronan Champagnat

Abstract: Since the outbreak of the pandemic, online learning has become widely applied. Indeed, learners follow Learning Resources (LR) available on different platforms. Therefore, it’s very difficult for learners to choose LR that matches their needs. They may face disorientation and cognitive overload problems. In fact, multiple studies have been conducted on Recommender Systems (RS) in order to provide learners with the best LR that correspond to their needs and complete their training. Unfortunately, these basic RS can lead to an overly restricted set of suggestions and inadvertently place learners in a so-called “filter bubble”. The latter is resolved through serendipitous RS, which suggest to learners surprising LR based on serendipity dimensions such as unexpectedness, novelty and usefulness. In this research paper, we first present our serendipity-oriented recommendation architecture. Then, we enrich our collected educational dataset with the dimensions of serendipity. Finally, we evaluate the real learner’s satisfaction on serendipitous LR’s recommendation.