Abstract: |
Blended learning is accepted cross the globe in line with technological development and increased digitization. Blended learning designs have led the trends in higher education in the past five editions of the \emph{NMC Horizon Report}, partly because of their flexibility, and convenience for students, although, it has been in use since the 1960´s. The concept is time and context dependent. Blended learning involves learners, teachers, administrators, technicians, leaders, and managers, all with a variety of aspirations and ambitions. Blended learning is part of the innovative transformation of education in the 21st century, as blended learning embraces personal quality learning. This widely recognized and personalized method engages, facilitates, and supports learning. UNESCO and the Commonwealth of Learning emphasize this approach, as it makes learning more flexible and convenient. This will help students be part of a global digital society. The blended learning model requires changes in the roles of both teachers and learners. These changes are accompanied by shifts in ownership and empowerment, where learners become prosumers and orchestrate their own learning regarding time, space, setting, path, and pace. This paper is based on a report on blended learning, state of the nation, written by the author on behalf of ICDE. |