CSEDU 2023 Abstracts

Area 1 - Artificial Intelligence in Education

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 41

Which Approach Best Predicts Dropouts in Higher Education?


Kerstin Wagner, Henrik Volkening, Sunay Basyigit, Agathe Merceron, Petra Sauer and Niels Pinkwart

Abstract: To predict whether students will drop out of their degree program in a middle-sized German university, we investigate five algorithms — three explainable and two not — along with two different feature sets. It turns out that the models obtained with Logistic Regression (LR), an explainable algorithm, have the best performance. This is an important finding to be able to generate explanations for stakeholders in future work. The models trained with a local feature set and those trained with a global feature set show similar performance results. Further, we study whether the models built with LR are fair with respect to both male and female students as well as the study programs considered in this study. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. This might be due to differences in the dropout rates between subpopulations. This limit should be taken into account in practice.

Paper Nr: 66

Do Rules Still Rule? Comprehensive Evaluation of a Rule-Based Question Generation System


Bernardo Leite and Henrique Lopes Cardoso

Abstract: The task of Question Generation (QG) has attracted the interest of the natural language processing community in recent years. QG aims to automatically generate well-formed questions from an input (e.g., text), which can be especially relevant for computer-supported educational platforms. Recent work relies on large-scale question-answering (QA) datasets (in English) to train and build the QG systems. However, large-scale quality QA datasets are not widely available for lower-resourced languages. In this respect, this research addresses the task of QG in a lower-resourced language — Portuguese — using a traditional rule-based approach for generating wh-questions. We perform a feasibility analysis of the approach through a comprehensive evaluation supported by two studies: (1) comparing the similarity between machine-generated and human-authored questions using automatic metrics, and (2) comparing the perceived quality of machine-generated questions to those elaborated by humans. Although the results show that rule-based generated questions fall short in quality compared to those authored by humans, they also suggest that a rule-based approach remains a feasible alternative to neural-based techniques when these are not viable. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/bernardoleite/question-generation-portuguese.

Paper Nr: 69

Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology


Federico Domínguez, Leonardo Eras, Josué Tomalá and Adriana Collaguazo

Abstract: Mastering oral presentation skills is of paramount importance for new graduates as they navigate the competitive job market of the 21st century. Consequently, procuring the effective development of these skills in students is an essential task for higher education institutions (HEIs). We developed a technological solution that facilitates oral presentation skills learning by providing automatic and immediate feedback using machine learning algorithms on audiovisual recordings of oral presentations. We have been using this tool to record novice students' presentations since 2017 and, by using the resulting data corpus, developed a methodology to accurately detect and evaluate posture and gaze in oral presentations. This article presents this methodology and its application on more than 3,000 recordings from more than 2,000 different students across all study programs at our university. Preliminary results provide a glimpse of the prevalence and distribution of oral presentation skills across several demographic variables. Statistically significant patterns point to possible oral communication deficiencies in engineering programs at our HEI, highlighting the potential of our methodology to serve as a diagnostic tool for communication skills learning strategies.

Paper Nr: 133

Large Language Models (GPT) Struggle to Answer Multiple-Choice Questions About Code


Jaromir Savelka, Arav Agarwal, Christopher Bogart and Majd Sakr

Abstract: We analyzed effectiveness of three generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) models in answering multiple- choice question (MCQ) assessments, often involving short snippets of code, from introductory and interme- diate programming courses at the postsecondary level. This emerging technology stirs countless discussions of its potential uses (e.g., exercise generation, code explanation) as well as misuses in programming educa- tion (e.g., cheating). However, the capabilities of GPT models and their limitations to reason about and/or analyze code in educational settings have been under-explored. We evaluated several OpenAI’s GPT models on formative and summative MCQ assessments from three Python courses (530 questions). We found that MCQs containing code snippets are not answered as successfully as those that only contain natural language. While questions requiring to fill-in a blank in the code or completing a natural language statement about the snippet are handled rather successfully, MCQs that require analysis and/or reasoning about the code (e.g., what is true/false about the snippet, or what is its output) appear to be the most challenging. These findings can be leveraged by educators to adapt their instructional practices and assessments in programming courses, so that GPT becomes a valuable assistant for a learner as opposed to a source of confusion and/or potential hindrance in the learning process.

Paper Nr: 139

Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3


Carlo Bellettini, Michael Lodi, Violetta Lonati, Mattia Monga and Anna Morpurgo

Abstract: In this paper we study the problem-solving ability of the Large Language Model known as GPT-3 (codename DaVinci), by considering its performance in solving tasks proposed in the “Bebras International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking”. In our experiment, GPT-3 was able to answer with a majority of correct answers about one third of the Bebras tasks we submitted to it. The linguistic fluency of GPT-3 is impressive and, at a first reading, its explanations sound coherent, on-topic and authoritative; however the answers it produced are in fact erratic and the explanations often questionable or plainly wrong. The tasks in which the system performs better are those that describe a procedure, asking to execute it on a specific instance of the problem. Tasks solvable with simple, one-step deductive reasoning are more likely to obtain better answers and explanations. Synthesis tasks, or tasks that require a more complex logical consistency get the most incorrect answers.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 13

Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application


Anaëlle Badier, Mathieu Lefort and Marie Lefevre

Abstract: In this article we present a learning resources recommendation system for an after-school educational mobile application. The goal of our system is to recommend relevant content among the learning resources available in the application to fit student needs and to encourage autonomous learning. The system is based on a graph of key notions to structure the application learning resources. We use the Item Response Theory method to evaluate the student knowledge and filter the most relevant resources to study depending on three learning strategies: revision, continuation and deepening. The resources filtered by the selected strategy, are ranked mainly based on a pedagogical score. The system has been implemented for the Mathematics subject and analysed for middle and high-school students in real-life conditions. In Fall 2022, we recorded the learning traces of 4 670 students that interacted with the system. By analysing experts opinions, logs and students feedback, we can conclude that our system is pedagogically relevant, appreciated and used by students.

Paper Nr: 14

Modeling Spaced Repetition with LSTMs


Jakub Pokrywka, Marcin Biedalak, Filip Graliński and Krzysztof Biedalak

Abstract: Spaced repetition is a human learning technique focused on optimizing time intervals between a student’s repetitions of the same information items. It is designed for the most effective long-term high-retention knowledge acquisition in terms of a student’s time spent on learning. Repetition of an information item is performed when its estimated recall probability falls to the required level. Spaced repetition works particularly well for itemized knowledge in areas requiring high-volume learning like languages, computer science, medicine, etc. In this work, we present a novel machine-learning approach for the prediction of recall probability developed using the massive repetition data collected in the SuperMemo.com learning ecosystem. The method predicts the probability of remembering an item by a student using an LSTM neural network. In our experiments, we observed that applying the spaced repetition research expert algorithms (Woźniak et al., 2005), like imposing the negative exponential function as the output forgetting curve, increases the LSTM model performance. We analyze how this model compares to other machine-learning or expert methods such as the Leitner method, XGBoost, half-life regression, and the spaced repetition expert algorithms. We found out that the choice of evaluation metric is crucial. Furthermore, we elaborate on this topic, finally selecting macro-average MAE and macro-average Likelihood for the primary and secondary evaluation metrics.

Paper Nr: 23

Using Deep Learning and Native Mobile App to Assist Autistic Students’ Educational Experience


Zeina Thabet, Hurmat Ansari, Sara Albashtawi, Nur Siyam and Sherief Abdallah

Abstract: Apart from difficulties with social communication, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have limited interest in academic activities. The challenges faced by the educators of these students are abundant, including selecting motivating items or activities that can prompt them to complete a task. In addition to this challenge, the educators also face the issue of the lack of coordination between the teachers, therapists, and parents. This issue is imperative as significant learning opportunities are lost for lack of communication. To address these two issues, we have created a distributed system consisting of a mobile application that tracks the academic objectives and behavioural progress of the students which allows for a centralized place of information for easier coordination between educators, as well as suggesting effective motivators using a Deep Neural Network (DNN), specifically a Deep Q Network, to help autistic students regain their focus in the class. The Deep Q Network is constructed with a custom environment that takes in the state as input and then, based on the current state, calculates the best motivator to suggest. The mobile application was created with an aim of assisting school educators in tracking a student’s progress. Moreover, the system includes a staff dashboard to manage users and provide visualizations depicting students’ progress. This project is the first of its kind and will help educators select effective motivators in moments that the students need them as well as aid the flow of information between the stakeholders.

Paper Nr: 30

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of the Literature


Jennifer Milena Bueno-Rocha, Anuarith da Rosa Joaquim Martins, Ana Margarida Almeida and Maria João Antunes

Abstract: This review examines how AI and emerging technologies can increase digital accessibility in childhood education, focusing on ethics, communication, tutoring, and health. Findings are presented with consideration for accessibility and inclusion, and implications for stakeholders are explored. Concerns center around data protection and children-centered AI development. Opportunities and threats are highlighted based on current guidelines and frameworks. Despite the potential of AI to bridge social gaps in childhood education, a local approach that prioritizes contextual needs is crucial.

Paper Nr: 110

Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool


Augusto Gonzalez Bonorino

Abstract: This position paper presents a proof of concept for a novel architecture designed to automate the process of survey design and analysis. The architecture leverages the power of Python automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline the survey process and provide actionable insights. The architecture includes various key components such as data generation, survey distribution, data collection, preprocessing, text mining, and report generation. Through two use cases in the field of education, the paper demonstrates how the architecture can empower students and instructors to conduct accurate research and make informed decisions. The use cases illustrate how Smart Surveys can reduce development time, flatten the learning curve, and provide actionable insights via interactive visualizations and results from AI-generated prompt-based tasks.

Paper Nr: 148

Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education


Mario Konecki, Mladen Konecki and Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić

Abstract: Higher education always had its challenges that professors and other educators had to deal with. Along with challenges there are also different opportunities that various technologies provide in the form of usable educational aiding means. Sometimes the same technology can represent both opportunity and a challenge. This is true for an emerging technology based on artificial intelligence that comes in the form of various intelligent assistants and chatbots. One of the latest revolutions in this domain is artificial intelligence-based tool ChatGPT. In this paper, opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT and other virtual assistants and chatbots are presented and discussed. Research results about using ChatGPT in higher education by students is also given and elaborated.

Paper Nr: 150

Apply an Integrated Responsible AI Framework to Sustain the Assessment of Learning Effectiveness


Tsung-Nan Chou

Abstract: Recent developments in educational data mining and learning analytics have increased the need for explainable artificial intelligence to interpret the decisions or predictions made by the algorithms. In order to analyse the impact of students’ learning input on their learning effectiveness, an innovative responsible and trusted AI framework was developed and implemented as three separate modules that covered five different stages in this study. The first module developed various explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) models based on the model grafting and model fusion techniques that concatenated or synergized a global model with different local models. In addition, the local models were also supplemented by several explanation methods to provide additional explanatory information for the explainable XAI hybrid model. The second module constructed three different safeguard and auditing models to provide complementary predictions for students being misidentified as normal students and discovered the students at risk of failing a course. The adversarial training models developed in the third module applied AI generated synthetic data to train the proposed models and evaluate their performance with an attempt to search for any possible competent models that performed better. The framework was implemented by using Microsoft Power BI tools to create various visualized and interactive dashboards to demonstrate the analysis outcomes.

Paper Nr: 151

How Far Can We Trust the Predictions of Learning Analytics Systems?


Amal Ben Soussia and Anne Boyer

Abstract: Prediction systems based on Machine Learning (ML) models for teachers are widely used in the Learning Analytics (LA) field to address the problem of high failure rates in online learning. One objective of these systems is to identify at-risk of failure learners so that teachers can intervene effectively with them. Therefore, teachers’ trust in the reliability of the predictive performance of these systems is of great importance. However, despite the relevance of this notion of trust, the literature does not propose particular methods to measure the trust to be granted to the system results. In this paper, we develop an approach to measure a teacher’s trust in the prediction accuracy of an LA system. For this aim, we define three trust granularities, including: the overall trust, trust per class label and trust per prediction. For each trust granularity, we proceed to the calculation of a Trust Index (TI) using the concepts of confidence level and confidence interval of statistics. As a proof of concept, we apply this approach on a system using the Random Forest (RF) model and real data of online k-12 learners.

Paper Nr: 3

Students' Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education


Daniel Braun, Patricia Rogetzer, Eva Stoica and Henry Kurzhals

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used for the assessment of multiple-choice questions. There is an increasing effort to also use it for open-ended questions. While the use of AI can benefit the learning of students, e.g. by increasing the number of feedback moments, most applications focus on saving costs by reducing the need for manual assessment. The perspective of teachers on this kind of automation has been studied extensively, the student perspective, however, is still under-researched. This paper presents the results of two surveys and a series of interviews among students to identify their perspective on AI-supported assessment and elaborate on under which conditions they would accept such technology. The results show that the majority of students (more than 80%), is, under certain conditions, open to AI-supported assessment. Most importantly, they stress that humans should still be involved in the assessment (human-in-the-loop).

Paper Nr: 116

An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media


Sara Havzi and Davide Taibi

Abstract: The Internet has become an integral part of life, providing numerous benefits to its users. However, due to freedom of speech and lack of control, the Internet is becoming a breeding ground for spreading harmful/toxic content. Since young people are the most active Internet users, protecting them from harmful online content is extremely important. One of the directions within which this could be conducted is educating young people about the consequences of using online toxic language and building powerful artificial intelligence-based tools such as Virtual Learning Companions that could educate youth in recognising online toxic content and upgrading their social media and self-protection competencies. To be able to build such tools, quality online datasets are needed. This paper is a brief overview of 9 selected English language online toxic content datasets published between 2020 and 2022 among 70 we found in the literature that could help educate young people on this topic.

Paper Nr: 117

Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech


Ralph L. Rose

Abstract: Disfluency occurs regularly in natural, everyday speech. Such phenomena as silent pauses, filled pauses (uh, um in English) and repairs occur with regular frequency and training data for natural language speech generation systems may be replete with these. This raises the question whether these items can be used productively in such systems in educational contexts and whether, as non-authentic phenomena, they can be used ethically. This position paper takes the five principles of AI ethics—beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and explicability (Floridi and Cowls, 2019)—as a starting point and proposes the Disfluency Instrumentality Audit as a tool to evaluate the ethical considerations of disfluency in AI-generated speech. The facilitative nature of disfluencies is explained in detail in order to argue for the potential beneficent nature of these phenomena in educational contexts. Sample scenarios are presented and discussed in order to illustrate how the audit might be used to evaluate the ethical considerations. Although presented here as applying to educational contexts, the audit would be applicable to wider contexts involving AI-speech generation for interactive agents.

Area 2 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 5

Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment


Diego Alessandro Pereira dos Santos, Isabela Gasparini and José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira

Abstract: Blended learning environments are those that combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction and have gained space in the means of discussion about new educational methodologies. Several benefits are observed in the use of this methodology, among them: an increase in academic performance and students’ social skills, an increase in teaching and learning flexibility, an increase in student satisfaction, à decrease in dropout rates, and an increase in school retention. Recommender systems are useful in these environments, providing the suggestion of content and activities personalized to users; here, we present a model for recommending learning activities in a blended learning environment. To evaluate the model, SWRL rules were used through the Pellet inference engine. The approach was evaluated through a case study that represents the situation of a student in a blended learning environment, with several options of activities, in which the choices may vary according to their general and academic profiles, in addition to their context. The recommendation rules are executed, resulting in the activity suggestion for the student. Thus, it was verified that the developed model fulfills the proposed objective of enriching the recommendation of learning resources in a blended learning environment through the modeling of the learner’s profile and of the educational resources with context awareness through ontology.

Paper Nr: 21

Quizzes and Eggs: Exploring the Impact of Course Design Elements on Students’ Engagement


Lisa Michael and Irene-Angelica Chounta

Abstract: In this paper, we explored the impact of course design elements that aim to support and sustain students’ engagement during a 12-week online course. The course we analyzed targeted higher education, master-level students of Computer Science and Educational Technologies, and took place fully online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course was facilitated by a Learning Management System (LMS), and due to the circumstances, the instructor’s primary goal was to motivate students to actively participate during the course’s duration. To that end, the instructor implemented a course design focused on integrating elements such as interactive activities, short quizzes, hidden “easter eggs,” and real-time webinars. To study the impact of these elements on students’ activity, we carried out an exploratory analysis of students’ activity as recorded by the log files of the LMS and the qualitative feedback that students provided to the instructor. Our results suggest that the course’s design supported sustaining students’ engagement. The level of students’ activity varied for the learning materials and resources, but we confirmed a high usage of the quizzes over the course’s duration.

Paper Nr: 44

Generating LADs that Make Sense


Madjid Sadallah and Jean-Marie Gilliot

Abstract: Learning Analytics Dashboards (LADs) deliver rich and actionable representations of learning data to support meaningful and insightful decisions that ultimately leverage the learning process. Yet, because of their limited adoption and the complex nature of learning data, their design is still a major area of inquiry. In this paper, we propose to expand LAD codesign approaches. We first investigate how the user makes sense of the data delivered by LADs and how to support this sensemaking process at design. Second, we propose a generative tool, supporting sensemaking and decision making process, that extends end-users participation during the prototyping phase and empowers LAD designers. We also present an evaluation of the tool, including usability and user experience, demonstrating its effectiveness in supporting the design and prototyping of LADs.

Paper Nr: 48

Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain


Martin Hideki Mensch Maruyama, Luan Willig Silveira, José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, Isabela Gasparini and Vinícius Maran

Abstract: The development of new cutting-edge technologies in recent years and the ease of access to the internet, the amount of data circulating on the network have been severely increasing, making it difficult to access quality information and causing many users to waste their time looking for and filtering through data. Thus, recommendation systems appears. They are responsible for searching relevant information to the user through mechanisms capable of recognizing the user’s possible interests and, with the use of recommendation algorithms, bringing the user resources that meet their interests. Actually, recommender systems are applied in many domains, including news, healthcare, and finance. Recently, recommender systems have been applied in smart campus domain, which defines systems and techonologies to be applied in university campus. From this scenario, the objective of this study is to develop a hybrid recommender system, attached to a software architecture, to provide general educational resources to users. The prototype of the architecture was evaluated using real item data and shown a significant accuracy in the recommendation process.

Paper Nr: 67

Talk-to-the-Robot: Speech-Interactive Robot To Teach Children Computational Thinking


Nada Sharaf, Ghada Ahmed, Omnia Ashraf and Walid Ahmed

Abstract: Nowadays, technology is fundamental in almost every aspect of our lives. Our daily life is endowed with many devices as mobiles, laptops, televisions that depend solely on technology. Therefore, Computational Thinking is growing faster into a form of an imperative literacy that needs to be learnt by young children as well as Programming in order for them to be more prepared for the future. From an educational point of view, it is very essential to improve and develop computational thinking and problem algorithmic-solving skills of young students. This study investigates how successfully small kids between 7-11 years old can comprehend and use basic programming concepts. Through this study, children have to learn three major programming concepts (sequential, conditional, iteration) by using a robot in a maze game that targets these concepts. The robot has a voice recognition feature that can easily be used by children to direct the robot out of the maze by using the three different programming approaches. The experiment has 36 participants, then by means of a “between-group experiment”, the participants have been divided into two groups. One of which has learnt the concepts by using the robot to test the game (Experimental Group) while the other has learnt the concepts by using the traditional methods of teaching (Control Group). The results of testing the learning processes between the two groups have been compared and reported regarding the learning gain, engagement level and system usability scale. The experiment has proved that the group who uses the robot has achieved significantly better learning gain and better engagement than the group who has been taught by explaining the concepts on a paper. Accordingly, using an educational robot is considered to be an effective and operative method for teaching young children the basics of programming and computational thinking.

Paper Nr: 73

Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation


Keith Cochran, Clayton Cohn and Peter Hastings

Abstract: Computer-supported education studies can perform two important roles. They can allow researchers to gather important data about student learning processes, and they can help students learn more efficiently and effectively by providing automatic immediate feedback on what the students have done so far. The evaluation of student work required for both of these roles can be relatively easy in domains like math, where there are clear right answers. When text is involved, however, automated evaluations become more difficult. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can provide quick evaluations of student texts. However, traditional neural network approaches require a large amount of data to train models with enough accuracy to be useful in analyzing student responses. Typically, educational studies collect data but often only in small amounts and with a narrow focus on a particular topic. BERT-based neural network models have revolutionized NLP because they are pre-trained on very large corpora, developing a robust, contextualized understanding of the language. Then they can be “fine-tuned” on a much smaller set of data for a particular task. However, these models still need a certain base level of training data to be reasonably accurate, and that base level can exceed that provided by educational applications, which might contain only a few dozen examples. In other areas of artificial intelligence, such as computer vision, model performance on small data sets has been improved by “data augmentation” — adding scaled and rotated versions of the original images to the training set. This has been attempted on textual data; however, augmenting text is much more difficult than simply scaling or rotating images. The newly generated sentences may not be semantically similar to the original sentence, resulting in an improperly trained model. In this paper, we examine a self-augmentation method that is straightforward and shows great improvements in performance with different BERT-based models in two different languages and on two different tasks which have small data sets. We also identify the limitations of the self-augmentation procedure.

Paper Nr: 96

Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning


Lukas Ansteeg, Ton Dijkstra and Frank Leoné

Abstract: Making errors that are related to the correct answer can aid the learning of vocabulary. Encouraging error commission may improve learning outcomes and provide insight into latent learning processes. We investigate the possibility of eliciting useful errors through the use of orthographic similarity-based feedback. We find that error commissions fully replace non-answers during a learning task and largely replace them during post-tests. Participants receiving similarity-based feedback seem to better consolidate orthographic knowledge over a one-week delay. The committed errors provide evidence for gradual learning of sublexical elements and for theories holding that specificity of representations increases during learning. Gradual feedback shows to also have motivational benefits. These findings suggest promising insights for classroom and digital vocabulary instruction.

Paper Nr: 103

Growing Grade-by-Grade


Pia Niemelä, Jenni Hukkanen, Mikko Nurminen and Jukka Huhtamäki

Abstract: The enrollment of computer science students continues to increase, with record enrollment numbers in the course ”Data Structures and Algorithms” in fall 2022. As a result, teaching methods and systems must evolve to support student progress in the face of scarce teaching resources. This paper examines the shift from manual to peer-reviewed and auto-graded grading processes and investigates students’ perceptions of different grading styles. The developed automatic graders utilize data from both the Plussa LMS and GitLab, which serves as the channel for student submissions and provides feedback for formative assessments. The results indicate that peer-reviews are accepted as an exercise for the reviewer, but not as a means to grade the reviewee. Autograders are well-received due to their instant feedback, ability to allow for multiple submissions and iterate towards more efficient solutions, which helps foster a growth mindset.

Paper Nr: 106

Computer Supported Argumentation Learning: Design of a Learning Scenario in Academic Writing by Means of a Conjecture Map


Michael Burkhard, Sabine Seufert, Reto Gubelmann, Christina Niklaus and Patcharin Panjaburee

Abstract: In academic writing, the competency to argue is important. However, first-year students often have difficulties to construct good arguments. Advances in natural language processing (NLP) have made it possible to better analyze the writing quality of texts. New tools have emerged which can give students individual feedback on their texts and the structure of their arguments. While the use of these argumentation learning support tools can help create better texts, using them in an academic context also carries risks. Learning scenarios are needed that promote argumentation competency using argumentation tools while also making students aware of their limitations. To address this issue, this paper investigates how a learning design with an argumentation learning support tool can be developed to increase the argumentation competency of first-year students. The conjecture-mapping technique was used, to visualize our assumptions and illustrate the developed learning design. As part of a first design cycle, the learning design was tested with 80 students in seven academic writing classes at the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland. Preliminary findings suggest that the learning design might be helpful to improve the argumentation competency as well as the data-literacy of students (in relation to argumentation tools). However, further research is necessary to confirm or reject our hypotheses.

Paper Nr: 107

Authoring Tools: The Road to Democratizing Augmented Reality for Education


Mohamed Ez-zaouia, Iza Marfisi-Schottman and Cendrine Mercier

Abstract: Augmented Reality (AR) has great potential to facilitate multisensorial and experiential learning. However, creating activities in AR for everyday classroom use is far from an easy task for non-experts users, such as teachers and learners. To examine if and how an authoring approach for AR can be beneficial for educational contexts, we first designed MIXAP through a participatory design with 19 pilot teachers. MIXAP enables non-expert users to create AR activities using interactive and visual authoring workflows. To evaluate our approach with a wider audience of teachers, we conducted a study with 39 teachers examining the usability, utility, acceptability, and transfer between pilot and non-pilot teachers. We found that this approach can help teachers create quality educational AR activities. For both groups, the effect sizes were significantly large for ease of use, emotional experience, and low cognitive load. Additionally, we found that there is no significant difference between the pilot and non-pilot teachers in terms of ease of use, learnability, emotional experience, and cognitive load, highlighting the transfer of our approach to a wider audience. Ultimately, we discuss our results and propose perspectives.

Paper Nr: 147

A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology


Katherine Vergara

Abstract: The persistent gender gap in technology has prompted initiatives to attract girls to this area. While virtual labs are useful tools for facilitating STEM education, most approaches focus on specific STEM areas, such as chemistry or physics. This study proposes an integrated STEM approach to improve girls’ attitudes towards technology careers. The study involved the development and testing of a STEM virtual laboratory that allowed girls to experiment with technology components, apply engineering concepts, and use math to solve science-based exercises in one place. Pre- and post-intervention questionnaires were used to assess attitudes towards different STEM areas. The results indicated that girls had a more positive attitude towards science compared to other STEM areas before the intervention. However, after the intervention, the girls in the intervention group had a significantly better attitude towards technology than the control group, and were also more inclined towards a technology career. These findings suggest that an integrated STEM approach could be beneficial for improving girls’ attitudes towards technology, while also improving perceptions towards other STEM topics. Although the study’s sample size was small, the findings provide preliminary evidence of the potential benefits of an integrated STEM approach for improving gender diversity in technology.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 24

JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices


Tomas Trescak, Laurence A. F. Park and Mesut Kocyigit

Abstract: Modern job markets often require an intricate combination of multi-disciplinary skills or specialist and technical knowledge, even for entry-level positions. Such requirements pose increased pressure on higher education graduates entering the job market. This paper presents our JobIQ recommendation system helping prospective students choose educational programs or electives based on their career preferences. While existing recommendation solutions focus on internal institutional data, such as previous student experiences, JobIQ considers external data, recommending educational programs that best cover the knowledge and skills required by selected job roles. To deliver such recommendations, we create and compare skill profiles from job advertisements and educational subjects, aggregating them to skill profiles of job roles and educational programs. Using skill profiles, we build formal models and algorithms for program recommendations. Finally, we suggest other recommendations and benchmarking approaches, helping curriculum developers assess the job readiness of program graduates. The video presenting the JobIQ system is available online∗ .

Paper Nr: 28

Visualizing Environments of Modern Scripting Languages


Kaian Cai, Martin Henz, Kok-Lim Low, Xing Yu Ng, Jing Ren Soh, Kyn-Han Tang and Kar Wi Toh

Abstract: A central learning objective of introductory programming courses is a thorough understanding of environments that arise when programs written in modern programming languages run. An awareness is arising in the CSEd community that a mental model based on a runtime stack does not do justice to languages that combine lexical scoping with first-class functions. As a result, debugging and visualization tools designed around a runtime stack are not suitable for this family of languages, which includes Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Lua, Java, and Scheme. As a suitable mental model for environments in these languages, the classical programming textbook “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” (SICP) introduced the environment model of computation using diagrammatic graphics. The SICP authors Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman designed the environment model to represent the runtime data structures required for executing programs written in such languages while blending out all forms of control. In this paper, we describe a novel tool for automatically and interactively visualizing the execution environments of programs written in the targeted language family. After introducing the environment model in detail, we highlight the main challenges for its automatic and interactive visualization. We outline the architecture of the tool and its integration into a web-based environment for learning the structure and interpretation of computer programs and conclude with an analysis of the tool’s impact based on feedback from 69 course facilitators in Academic Year 2021/22.

Paper Nr: 38

AlgoPoint as an Original Didactic Tool for Introductory Programming Using Flowcharts


Marcin Stefanowicz and Anna Sasak-Okoń

Abstract: The paper concerns the development of the authoring application called AlgoPoint, which supports high school students in the process of learning programming. AlgoPoint is a block-based flowchart editor. It separates the syntax and semantics of the programming language from the actual control flow of the algorithm. In this way, students can focus on developing problem-solving skills, expressing a solution to a problem by building it using various functional blocks and connections. For more advanced users, mechanisms are available to build more complex data structures, functions, or subroutines, which can then be tested with the use of the built-in console or expressed as a text code in the selected programming language. The usefulness and advantages of the proposed application have been positively verified by students in real high school. The verification was conducted in natural conditions during computer science classes under the supervision of a teacher.

Paper Nr: 47

Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects


Felix Böck, Dieter Landes and Yvonne Sedelmaier

Abstract: Many curricula encompass subjects that are deemed less interesting or not important by a large share of students since they cannot perceive their true significance. It is an open question how students can be compelled to get involved with these subjects after all. This paper presents a novel concept how this can be accomplished. In particular, the paper argues that four important requirements must be met, namely that learning can also be accomplished in a less formal environment than regular lectures, learning may happen independent of physical presence at the university and whenever students see themselves fit, learning is based on small units, and students enjoy getting involved in the matter. As a proof-of-concept, this approach has been used in programming education for students of electrical engineering, based on sending short summaries via WhatsApp and adding playful elements. such as quizzes. An evaluation of the proof-of-concept over two terms provides indication of the viability and usefulness of the approach, but also highlights several opportunities for extensions and refinements.

Paper Nr: 49

MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories


Pedro H. Sanvido and Isabel H. Manssour

Abstract: As courses ministered in online environments continue to grow in size and interest, concerns regarding poor academic outcomes and low completion rates remain true. We have developed MoodleStories, a digital storytelling-based solution for improving learning motivation and engagement to compensate for these shortcomings. MoodleStories was developed as an authorship tool available on the Moodle platform. We have devised a Python programming course accompanied by an interactive and thematic comic story about the course. Six participants were interviewed by the end of the course as a validation instrument. Following the interview study, participants showed increased awareness of the activities that dictated story progression and were eager to use MoodleStories in future learning contexts. We argue that MoodleStories expands the design scope and possibilities in applying nonlinear narratives in learning contexts and thus enables the creation of engaging experiences that promote motivation and foster active involvement with coursework.

Paper Nr: 55

TMBQ-LT: A Student-Facing Learning Tool to Support Time Management Skills


Ana-Gabriela Núñez, Vanessa Echeverria, Miguel Zuñiga-Prieto, Benito Auria and Tinne De Laet

Abstract: To be successful in Higher Education, students must acquire good self-regulation and learning skills. Past studies have reported that undergraduate students are overconfident in recognizing their self-regulatory strategies. This overconfidence can be detrimental during the first years of their undergraduate program if they are not properly nurtured. The lack of students' motivation, self-regulation and time management strategies can lead to higher rates of drop-out. In this sense, student-facing learning tools can provide timely feedback to support awareness, strengthen this self-regulation and time management skills, and thus be instrumental for students in attaining their learning goals. In this paper, we present the TMBQ-LT, a student-facing tool that consists of 1) a set of questions derived from the Time Management Behavior Questionnaire (TMBQ), 2) a visualization showing student's time management (TM) predispositions and 3) tailored recommendations based on students' self-reported TM skills. This paper illustrates a case study on the deployment of the TMBQ - LT by students from three HE institutions and provides recommendations for future implementations and adoption of the tool.

Paper Nr: 56

Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance


Jens Klenke, Till Massing, Natalie Reckmann, Janine Langerbein, Benjamin Otto, Michael Goedicke and Christoph Hanck

Abstract: Individual support for students in large university courses is often difficult. To give students feedback regarding their current level of learning at an early stage, we have implemented a warning system that is intended to motivate students to study more intensively before the final exam. For that purpose, we use learning data from an e-assessment platform for an introductory mathematical statistics course to predict the probability of passing the final exam for each student. Subsequently, we sent a warning email to students with a low predicted probability of passing the exam. Using a regression discontinuity design (RDD), we detect a positive but imprecisely estimated effect of this treatment. Our results suggest that a single such email is only a weak signal – in particular when they already receive other feedback via midterms, in-class quizzes, etc. – to nudge students to study more intensively.

Paper Nr: 61

Crypto Advisor: A Web Application for Spotting Cross-Exchange Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Opportunities


Robert-Christian Oanță and Adriana Mihaela Coroiu

Abstract: The subject of this paper revolves around cryptocurrencies and trading automation, more precisely, on a low-risk trading strategy called cross-exchange arbitrage. An approach that capitalizes on market inefficiencies by frequently buying and selling on two distinct exchanges in order to accumulate minor profits. Our solution is a web application for identifying opportunities produced by this strategy and delivering them in a user-friendly manner, as well as in a structured format for developers. The main objective was to develop a production-ready tool that is useful for professional traders, utilizing real data in real-world circumstances.

Paper Nr: 80

Leveraging Web Components for Authoring Interactive Mathematics


Rudolf Hoffmann and Edgar Seemann

Abstract: Digital, interactive content can support active learning and provide both motivation and an automated feedback to students. Unfortunately authoring interactive content remains a difficult task for teachers. There are few interoperable standards and e-learning platforms often restrict what is technically possible. Even if some teachers create amazing interactive content it is challenging to publish and share this content with colleagues. This paper proposes a way to leverage \textit{Web Components}, a rather new technology supported by modern browsers, to allow teachers to quickly author interactive exercises involving mathematical expressions and visualizations. As \textit{Web Components} are standardized they can be shared and embedded in any website. The proposed \textit{Web Components} for mathematics allow for: 1. A convenient visual input method for expressions and formulas, 2. A sophisticated validation system for these expressions in order to give immediate feedback to students on their solutions.

Paper Nr: 84

Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks


Florian Gnadlinger, André Selmanagić, Katharina Simbeck and Simone Kriglstein

Abstract: The process of learning is a personal experience, strongly influenced by the learning environment. Virtual learning environments (VLEs) provide the potential for adaptive learning, which aims to individualize learning experiences in order to improve learning outcomes. Adaptive learning environments achieve individualization by analyzing the learners and altering the instruction according to their specific needs and goals. Despite ongoing research in adaptive learning, the effort to design, develop and implement such environments remains high. Therefore, we introduce a novel, generalized adaptive learning framework based on the methodological Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) framework. Our framework focuses on the analysis of learners’ competencies and the subsequent recommendation of tasks with an appropriate difficulty level. With this paper and the open-source adaptive learning framework, we contribute to the ongoing discussion about generalized adaptive learning technology.

Paper Nr: 87

Codeschool in a Box: A Low-Barrier Approach to Packaging Programming Curricula


Yoshi Malaise, Evan Cole and Beat Signer

Abstract: The tech industry is a fast-growing field, with many companies facing issues in finding skilled workers to fill their open vacancies. At the same time, many people have limited access to the quality education necessary to enter this job market. To address this issue, various small and often volunteer-run non-profit organisations have emerged to up-skill capable learners. However, these organisations face tight constraints and many challenges while trying to design and deliver high-quality education to their learners. In this position paper, we discuss some of these challenges and present a preliminary version of a curriculum packager addressing some of these issues. Our proposed solution, inspired by first-hand experience in these organisations as well as computing education research (CER), is based on a combination of micromaterials, study lenses and a companion mobile application. While our solution is designed for the specific context of small organisations providing vocational ICT training, it can also be applied to the broader domain of learning environments facing similar constraints.

Paper Nr: 91

Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform


L. M. van der Lubbe, S. P. van Borkulo, P. B. J. Boon, W. P. G. van Velthoven and J. T. Jeuring

Abstract: Although computer science is important in the many aspects of the world around us, computer science education is insufficient, partly due to a shortage of qualified computer science teachers. Co-Teach Informatica offers a temporary solution to high schools in the Netherlands to overcome this shortage. With online learning materials, local remote support desks, and guest teachers, it offers a computer science course following the curriculum guidelines. This paper presents the design of an online learning platform specifically designed for the Co-Teach Informatica program. The design has two important pillars: independent learning and progress tracing. Both are important to ensure that students can follow their computer science course without a qualified computer science teacher in their classroom. Finally, we discuss the design of the student progress tracing component using a student modelling approach and the requirements of the different user groups.

Paper Nr: 94

Design and Evaluation of Computational Thinking Tasks in the <colette/> Project: Experiences Gained from Workshops with Secondary and Grammar School Students in Austria, the Netherlands, and Slovakia


Eva Schmidthaler, Sylvia van Borkulo, Martin Cápay, Bjarnheiður Kristinsdóttir, Rebecca S. Stäter, Tim Läufer, Matthias Ludwig, David Hornsby, Jakob Skogø and Zsolt Lavicza

Abstract: In recent years, numerous applications (apps) for mobile devices have been developed for STEM education, but there is a lack of suitable educational apps that support teachers in promoting computational thinking (CT) in mathematics and computer science (CS) lessons. In this position paper, two types of CT tasks, Building Cubes and Draw-o-Bot, of the newly developed <colette/> app with augmented reality (AR) function, are described, and preliminary results from four workshops that were held in total with 76 10-18-year-old secondary and grammar school students in Austria (W1), the Netherlands (W2), and Slovakia (W3) are discussed. The tasks and the mobile app itself were created as part of the <colette/>-project, an Erasmus+ project, in which seven institutions from five European countries are involved. Each type of task includes a set of CT tasks related to the block-based programming (BBP) app. In the workshops, we set out to explore how the participating secondary school students solved the CT tasks, whilst using <colette/>. The experiences made in the workshops will be used to inform the further development of the application, and to prepare teacher training to support the successful implementation of <colette/> as an educational tool in schools. The first findings indicate that the participating students react positively to the app, can solve BBP tasks successfully, and create loops to shorten their code. In the future, further task types will be implemented in the app and researched.

Paper Nr: 101

L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models


Josh Ring, Frank Leoné and Ton Dijkstra

Abstract: Psycholinguistic research has established that words interact within the mental lexicon during both processing and learning. In spite of this, many Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems treat second language (L2) vocabulary learning as the memorization of “vocabulary facts”, and employ spaced-repetition algorithms designed to optimize the formation and maintenance of individual memory traces. The Knowledge- Learning-Instruction (KLI) framework provides guidelines as to what kind of knowledge components involve which learning processes, and how they are best taught. We reconsider the position of L2 vocabulary learning in the KLI framework, in light of extensive evidence of interaction and transfer effects in L2 vocabulary learning. We argue that L2 vocabulary learning involves the acquisition of generalisable skills. We further validate this claim with evidence from research into novel approaches to L2 vocabulary teaching. These novel approaches align with the instructional recommendations made by the KLI framework for teaching complex rules, not facts, yet they yield significant improvements in L2 vocabulary acquisition. Finally, on the basis of these findings, we advocate for the use of skill-based learner models in order to optimize L2 vocabulary learning in CALL applications.

Paper Nr: 109

Fact-in-a-Box: Hiding Educational Facts in Short Stories for Implicit Learning


Alia El Bolock, Caroline Sabty, Nour Eldin Awad and Slim Abdennadher

Abstract: Generating stories on-demand is one of the covered tasks in Natural Language Generation. Stories are being used in every culture by any age. They have been used for different purposes, such as entertainment and the education of children. They are an effective way of indirectly providing students with valuable facts that are easier embedded in their memory. We propose an approach for embedding facts into existing or automatically generated stories, given a specific target audience and a story context. As proof of concept, we implemented a framework called Fact-in-a-Box to hide facts in existing stories or a human-like generated text through a customized user. The framework is based on a fine-tuned model for children as the target audience and fixes the story context to animals. Instructors can apply the approach to deliver facts to the learner in an exciting yet informative way. The framework is composed of two modules, one for selecting the most relevant story and the other one to embed the fact in it. We tested the proposed approach using an experiment to test the learning gain of children and a survey for adults to evaluate the language of the resulting stories and the concept itself. The performance was relatively good in hiding facts inside an existing story where children could correctly re-convey 50% of the complex facts and 80% of the simpler tasks.

Paper Nr: 112

Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers' Perspectives


Lucia Happe, Isabel Steidlinger, Ingo Wagner and Kai Marquardt

Abstract: This study explores the perspectives of high school computer science (CS) teachers on students’ interest in the subject. Using structured interviews, we identified factors that may influence students’ interest in CS, such as curriculum design, teaching methods, and the use of materials and technology in the classroom. The findings reveal the importance of making CS relevant and exciting to students to increase engagement and understand- ing and promote acceptance of the subject in society. Additionally, the study highlights the challenges and benefits of interdisciplinary teaching of CS and the value of pre-designed teaching materials in supporting this approach. The presented study provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers looking to promote and sustain students’ interest in CS. Overall, the study emphasizes the crucial role of CS education (CSEd) in preparing students for success in a digital world.

Paper Nr: 127

K-DAD a Platform for Cooperative Learning in Primary Schools


Ersilia Vallefuoco, Melanie Cristofolini, Massimo Zancanaro and Paola Venuti

Abstract: In Cooperative Learning (CL), students work together in small groups to achieve shared learning goals. Several studies have proved that CL promotes active learning, social skills development, inclusion, and well-being in the classroom. Technology can support CL-based interventions, providing different tools to increase learners’ participation and communication. However, few studies investigated the use of technology-based CL in lower schools. We present a new digital platform, K-DAD, to support CL strategies in Italian primary and lower secondary schools. To develop K-DAD, we used the learning management system Moodle, customizing appearance, interactions, and content architecture to provide a child-friendly e-learning environment. In the platform, several CL activities and tasks were structured to promote environmental awareness as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. A prototype has been developed and further experimental investigations are needed to estimate the usability and effectiveness of the K-DAD platform.

Paper Nr: 140

A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads


Morten Mathiasen, Jacob Nielsen and Simon Laub

Abstract: To benefit educational adaption and guidance of the unemployed, we report on our study of automated monitorization of labor market demands by analyzing online job ads. We identify and measure two categories of competence demands, “technical competences” and “personal competences”, as well as competences described by Bloom’s taxonomy. Ads are labelled, both by humans and by natural language processing (NLP) transformers. Within all competence categories and levels of Bloom’s taxonomy we demonstrate how the automated NLP transformer process do a semantic search with the same level of precision as the humans.

Paper Nr: 32

Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education


Fatma Derbel Bouattour and Pierre-Antoine Champin

Abstract: In this paper, we present a continuous behavioral authentication system for Web applications and in particular for on-line education applications. Our system implement two behavioral biometric modalities, keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics, with m-traces concepts. We describe our trace based authentication approach as well as the experiments we have conducted.

Paper Nr: 42

Is the Scratch Programming Environment Ideal for all? Enhancements to the Scratch IDE to Make it Easier to Use and More Useful for Students and Teachers


Stefano Federici, Elisabetta Gola and Elisabetta Sergi

Abstract: Even the most successful programming environment for beginners, Scratch, when compared to other block-based IDEs, is not always the ideal tool for everyone. Scratch Team’s development policy -creating a single environment for all users where no customization is allowed- makes Scratch a great environment for most users to start with computer programming, but not the ideal environment for those users that -thanks to Scratch’s outstanding features- want to use it to create complex projects, or for teachers that use it for their lessons. In this paper we will highlight the weaknesses of Scratch for expert developers and for teachers. We will then look at other popular block-languages and tools to find which weaknesses they can help to solve. Finally, we will propose some new enhancements, that are still not available in Scratch and in the tools we analysed.

Paper Nr: 43

Student's Attraction for a Carrier Path Related to Databases and SQL: Usability vs Efficiency in Students' Perception -Case Study


Manuela-Andreea Petrescu and Emilia-Loredana Pop

Abstract: This study explores and analyses the expectations of second-year students enrolled in different lines of study related to Database course, as their interest in having a carrier path in a database related domain and how it reflects the job demands from the market. The participants in the study provided two sets of answers, anonymously collected (in the begging and in the middle of the course), thus allowing us to track how their interests changed as long as they found out more about the subject. We asked for their experience and initial knowledge, we found out that they are aware of the SQL and databases’ usability and importance, but they appreciated the database knowledge will be used occasionally. Even if it was not the original scope of the paper, we also found out that men are more interested in learning in-depth (acquiring security, performance, complexity database related information) than women do. In terms of the participants set, there were 87 answers from 191 enrolled students that were analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis.

Paper Nr: 51

Student Teacher Interaction While Learning Computer Science: Early Results from an Experiment on Undergraduates


Manuela-Andreea Petrescu and Kuderna-Iulian Bentasup

Abstract: The scope of this paper was to find out how the students in Computer Science perceive different teaching styles and how the teaching style impacts the learning desire and interest in the course. To find out, we designed and implemented an experiment in which the same groups of students (86 students) were exposed to different teaching styles (presented by the same teacher at a difference of two weeks between lectures). We tried to minimize external factors' impact by carefully selecting the dates (close ones), having the courses in the same classroom and on the same day of the week, at the same hour, and checking the number and the complexity of the introduced items to be comparable. We asked for students' feedback and we define a set of countable body signs for their involvement in the course. The results were comparable by both metrics (body language) and text analysis results, students prefer a more interactive course, with a relaxing atmosphere, and are keener to learn in these conditions.

Paper Nr: 57

Virtual Labs as a Tool for Training Preservice Science Teachers


Fatimah Alhashem

Abstract: 22 pre-service teachers in the college of education pursuing Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in science for middle and high school were divided into experimental and controlled groups. Both were surveyed before and after an organic chemistry lesson (Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds) and a lab session. The only difference is that the experimental group were trained prior the lab session via virtual learning interventions. Findings from quantitative data analysis revealed a positive significant difference in pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards learning experiences during virtual laboratory experiments post learning interventions. The implications of these findings project virtual laboratories as a supporting tool for experimentation in chemistry especially in approaching 21st century of learning outcomes where issues of integrating technology into learning is part of the teaching practices. Recommendations from these findings are discussed herein.

Paper Nr: 63

Co-Creational Collaborative Game-Based Learning Simulations, Focusing on IT and STEM Education in an Online Flipped Classroom Environment


Arthur Schuchter, Giovanni Petrarolo and Dominik Grießner

Abstract: In recent decades, the usage of computers in everyday life has massively increased. However, the correlating growing demand for competent workers in Information Technologies has not been sufficiently satisfied, similar issues can be observed when it comes to STEM-related fields. To combat this challenge, this paper proposes a way to engage with students and to spark interest for STEM-topics and IT. Consequently, we take advantage of various learning methods, such as co-creational, game-based and collaborative learning. These methods are implemented into a multiplayer online simulation which teaches students various STEM-subjects and IT knowledge as well as improving teamwork and social skills, abilities which have been neglected over the last years, due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Paper Nr: 71

Adaptive Model for the Selection of Resources and Activities in a Virtual Learning Environment


Yuranis Henriquez-Nunez, Carlos Parra, Mónica Brijaldo and Angela Carrillo-Ramos

Abstract: This paper presents ALPY, an Adaptive System to support Personalized Education in Virtual Learning Environments which favors the selection process of resources and activities for a learning pathway defined by a teacher in a Virtual Learning System. This paper describes the proposed system’s architecture, the design of the profiles in ALPY, and the visual prototype. It focuses on the adaptive model ALPY PLUS, and the collection and processing of data or variables such as learning style, personality, and previous knowledge, profiling students for suggested learning resources and activities. This model has been applied in an Systems Engineering introductory course for students in the Tecnológica de Bolívar University.

Paper Nr: 98

Online Polyglot Programming Education with LFT (Lingua Franca Transformer)


Sokratis Karkalas, Filothei Chalvatza and Manolis Mavrikis

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to improve reusability and augment the educational value of web com- ponents through a polyglot environment. The idea is to enable communication with web components in a language neutral context by provisioning, along with the instructions, the grammar specification of the lan- guage used for those instructions and thus make the system agnostic of the language being used. This ability promotes reusability in the sense that learning designers are able to utilise learning materials using the lan- guage they feel more comfortable with or the language that seems to be more suitable for the task. Another benefit is that learners can make better use of the same learning environments they are accustomed to using through different languages. This allows learners to experiment with different programming paradigms, use more expressive or specialised languages and combine them with the concepts available in the learning envi- ronment of preference. In the context of this project we developed an authoring environment that allows the specification of any language and the automatic generation of parsers that can be used to dynamically transpile code into JavaScript. Preliminary testing confirmed that the idea is feasible and gave us positive feedback for future development.

Paper Nr: 100

SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development


Stéphanie Jean-Daubias

Abstract: In this paper, we present SAPHIR, a multilingual authoring tool producing a Progressive Web App, usable on computers, tablets, and smartphones, online or offline. We presented our design process, the architecture of the system, the model on which it is based, and its main parts: SAPHIR it-self is the main software proposing activities to children to learn and play; MINE is the authoring tool used by pedagogical designers and resources translators to create and translate resources without requiring any programming skills; TAILLE is dedicated to teachers to whom he provides educational explanations to use SAPHIR with their learners. The different parts were used with both pedagogical designers and students.

Paper Nr: 132

A Taxonomy with Elements for Providing Adaptive Feedback


Hemilis Joyse Barbosa Rocha, Evandro de Barros Costa and Patricia Cabral de Azevedo Restelli Tedesco

Abstract: Feedback is an important resource in the teaching-learning process, particularly in problem-solving activities within introductory programming courses. It has been considered an essential scaffolding element for the student’s learning process. In such a context, teaching assistants are often responsible for providing feedback to novice students. However, sometimes, these assistants do not have a sufficient and appropriate understanding of the relevant aspects of providing this type of feedback. To mitigate this issue, we constructed a framework for providing adaptive feedback, covering different approaches and feedback resources in problem-solving by novice programmers. The body of knowledge represented in the proposed framework is useful for TAs, who should use it to guide their pedagogical decision-making process concerning adaptive feedback in synthesis and analysis. For this, we went through different stages of research following the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology. As a result of this step, we obtained our taxonomy, which was expressed in three levels of specification: categories, subcategories, and contextual elements. In the next step, we performed tests in real problem-solving situations by novice programmers.

Paper Nr: 143

Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard


Hua Leong Fwa

Abstract: Collaborative Problem Solving, the resolution of complex problems with the collaboration of multiple people pooling their knowledge, skills and effort is postulated as an essential 21st century skills for the future workforce. Collaborative Problem Solving has been embraced in schools where both online and face-to-face collaboration are afforded through the proliferation of educational technology tools. Assessing the amount of collaboration that has taken place among the students has however been challenging. In this research, we seek to identify the collaboration patterns of our students by mining the temporal sequence of their actions logs captured within a digital whiteboard tool. With the use of Hidden Markov Model, we have uncovered three collaboration states of students (Low Activity, Solitary Contributor, Cognitive Collaboration) from the temporal sequences of their actions within the digital whiteboard. Contrary to common belief, the level of collaboration was also found to have no influence on the quality of the final artifact produced by a student team. Collaborative behaviour was also discovered to persist within the team which suggests opportunities for implementing interventions at an early phase of the learning activity for a longer-lasting team collaboration.

Paper Nr: 144

Feedback in Online Mathematics Tutoring


Antonín Jančařík, Jakub Michal and Jarmila Novotná

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to present issues related to assessment and feedback in the framework of online mathematics tutoring implemented with the help of a chatbot using Artificial intelligence (AI) (Jančařík et al., 2022). The presented project aims to create a teaching course that is intended to help the pupil in independent preparation for the national entrance exams in mathematics for upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic. The course takes the form of a chatbot with which a pupil can communicate in a web browser environment or the Telegram communication application designed for all common operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, ...). The chatbot also includes a communication module using artificial intelligence that can communicate with the pupil beyond the scope of the designed course. The following two questions are addressed in the part of the research that is presented in this paper. The first question is what form of feedback is effective in the given environment and most reflect the nature of tutoring. The second question is how the chosen procedures must be modified for the different areas of mathematics the course focuses on. The paper presents an implementation within the area of algebra and geometry.

Area 3 - Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 10

EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science


Rudy Kabimbi Ngoy, Gonzague Yernaux and Wim Vanhoof

Abstract: While there is consensus that educational escape games have a beneficial impact on student learning in computer science, this hypothesis is not empirically demonstrated because the evaluation methods used by researchers in the field are carried out in an ad hoc manner, lack reproducibility and often rely on confidential samples. We introduce EvscApp, a standard methodology for evaluating educational escape games intended for the learning of computer science at the undergraduate level. Based on a state of the art in the realm of educational escape games and on the different associated pedagogical approaches existing in the literature, we arrive at a general-purpose experimental process divided in fifteen steps. The evaluation criteria used for assessing an escape game’s efficiency concern the aspects of motivation, user experience and learning. The EvscApp methodology has been implemented as an open source Web dashboard that helps researchers to carry out structured experimentations of educational escape games designed to teach computer science. The tool allows designers of educational computer escape games to escape the ad hoc construction of evaluation methods while gaining in methodological rigor and comparability. All the results collected through the experiments carried out with EvscApp are scheduled to be compiled in order to be able to rule empirically as to the pedagogical effectiveness of pedagogical escape games for computer science in general. A few preliminary experiments indicate positive early results of the method.

Paper Nr: 12

The Multipurpose Autonomous Agent Project: Experiential Learning for Engineering Assistive Artificial Intelligence


Chad Mello, James Maher and Troy Weingart

Abstract: Assistive Technologies (AT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that support humans in decision making and in difficult or dangerous tasks are in high demand. We created a two-semester capstone project, for undergraduate seniors, providing the opportunity to build an assistive AI algorithm implemented on a skid-steer rover platform. By the end of the program, students created a system with the potential for assisting humans in dangerous indoor situations such as: gas leaks, bomb threats, fires, and active shooters. Our unique approach allowed the skid-steer rovers to autonomously navigate indoor areas never before encountered or previously mapped. Students used deep behavioral cloning techniques coupled with deep reinforcement learning to train the rovers for speed, steering control, and cornering. Outfitted with nothing more than a depth-sensing optical camera, an inexpensive autopilot, and an onboard, assistive NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX computer, the rover quickly scanned and oriented to a new environment and then located objects of interest. The students’ final product demonstrated impressive abilities and skills demanded by industry in developing AT and AI platforms for mission-critical applications. Herein we share our approach, technology stack, experiences, and artifacts produced by our students at the end of the project.

Paper Nr: 45

Mapping Task Types and Gameplay Categories in the Context of Declarative Knowledge Training


Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade and Sébastien George

Abstract: Learning games for the training of declarative knowledge must offer learners a wide variety of game situations in order to keep them engaged. Designing such situations remains a challenge due to the inherent entanglement of didactical objectives and gaming implementations. This article proposes to tackle the need for mapping different training tasks to different gameplays in order to help the design of relevant gameplay-oriented training situations. We identified an approach during the design of a Roguelite-oriented training game for the multiplication tables. This approach has been intentionally specified towards a genericity purpose by using domain-independent task types and abstract gameplays. This article details the method we followed to identify this approach and presents the resulting mappings when applied to our specific application context.

Paper Nr: 46

An Analysis Framework for Designing Declarative Knowledge Training Games Using Roguelite Genre


Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade and Sébastien George

Abstract: The training of declarative knowledge requires repetition and adaptation to learners’ needs. Learning games for training purposes should then offer a wide range of adapted and varied game situations where facts are questioned. Furthermore, answering these questions may involve many gameplays that keep the learner-players engaged and motivated to practice again and again. This article presents and justifies how the Roguelite game genre is well-adapted to tackle these challenges. It also proposes an analysis framework to support pluridisciplinary teams of teachers and game developers in identifying the key orientations for designing such training games. This framework is composed of questions to consider during the preliminary design of the training game. We have identified and used this proposition in a specific research context about multiplication tables training. The article illustrates the first results obtained which led to our first playable prototype. Finally, we outlined the major drawbacks of our first game design (i.e., first analysis), which brought us to carry out a second analysis through our proposed framework.

Paper Nr: 72

Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population


Jorge Sanabria-Z., María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Francisco José García-Peñalvo and Marco Cruz-Sandoval

Abstract: In the context of Latin America, there are few studies that analyze complex thinking linked to disciplinary analysis. In this sense, locating the characteristics promoted by the different disciplines presents an opportunity to scale higher order competencies such as those of complex thinking. This article aims to show the results of a study that seeks to show the perception of complex thinking competence in young university students in the Latin American context. A multivariate descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out. Among the main findings we identified that there is a higher degree of perception of male students in Latin America on complex thinking competence and that this pattern is found in most of the countries in the sample.

Paper Nr: 74

Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning


Girts Burgmanis, Dace Namsone and Ilze France

Abstract: Literacy knowledge and skills are crucial to students to understand complexities of the modern world. Furthermore, literacy can support and make more effective learning of discipline-specific knowledge. Literacy as a transversal skill makes it difficult for teachers to design assessment to gather information for feedback to facilitate literacy teaching and learning. In the last decade, technology-based assessment and automated text scoring has given the opportunity to develop diagnostic assessment systems providing immediate feedback enhancing students learning. This paper describes automated feedback and diagnostic assessment system in support of literacy teaching and learning. By validating three-dimensional framework of literacy assessment and evaluating measurement instrument quality, we provide evidence how advances in technology-based assessment and education studies can be implemented to design an online diagnostic assessment system providing immediate generic feedback to students and teachers.

Paper Nr: 75

Success Factors for Mathematical e-Learning Exercises Focusing First-Year Students


Malte Neugebauer, Basile Tousside and Jörg Frochte

Abstract: How university students succeed in math courses at the beginning of their studies is of great relevance for the overall study success in many study programs. Since the competence levels of candidates are different, lecturers struggle to mediate knowledge to such heterogeneous audiences simultaneously. In tacit consent, a catch-up of lower-skilled students is expected. Self-organized learning materials – which are often accessible via e-learning – are mostly unattractive, especially to lower-skilled students. Since gamification is successfully used in other areas of education to support motivation and performance, we propose gamification as a first success factor for mathematical exercises. Considering infrastructural aspects of higher education, we furthermore suggest the gamification systems’ ability to be extended by lecturers, its integrability into universities learning management systems and its affordability as success factors for mathematical e-learning exercises. Therefore, we implemented an open-source and easy-to-extend software approach, which is integrable into universities’ learning management systems. In an initial test run among first-year students (n = 115), we show how this approach improves learning and motivation at the same time. We discuss these results and propose this approach for testing in multiple group plans, to further investigate the influence of single game elements on motivation and learning.

Paper Nr: 120

Assessment of Digital and Mathematical Problem-Solving Competences Development


Alice Barana, Cecilia Fissore, Anna Lepre and Marina Marchisio

Abstract: Problem-solving and digital competences assume an essential role in developing students’ life-long learning competences. An effective tool to support problem-solving activities is an Advanced Computing Environment (ACE). An ACE is a system that allows to perform numerical and symbolic calculation, make graphical representations, and create mathematical simulations through interactive components. Moreover, it is able to support students in reasoning processes, in the formulation of exit strategies and in the generalization of the solution. The main goal of this paper is to study the development of problem-solving and digital competences of secondary school students solving problems with an ACE in a Digital Learning Environment (DLE). The research question is: "How can we evaluate the evolution of students’ problem solving and digital competences during the online training?”. To answer the research question, the resolutions of 158 grade 12 students to ten problems carried out during an online training were analyzed. The research methodology was divided into three phases: the analysis of a case study; the analysis of all student evaluations; the analysis of students’ answers to a final questionnaire. The results show that solving contextualized problems with the ACE in a DLE enhanced the students’ problem-solving and digital competences.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 9

eduARM: Web Platform to Support the Teaching and Learning of the ARM Architecture


Maria Inês Alves, António Duarte Araújo and Bruno Lima

Abstract: Computer architecture is a prevalent topic of study in Informatics and Electrical Engineering courses, though students’ overall grasp of this subject’s concepts is many times hampered, mainly due to the lack of educational tools that can intuitively represent the internal behaviour of a CPU. With the evolution of the ARM architecture and its adoption in higher education institutions, the demand for this sort of tool has increased. Educational tools, specifically developed for the ARMv8 processor, are scarce and inadequate for what is necessary in an academic context. In order to contribute towards solving this problem, eduARM, a practical and interactive web platform that simulates how a ARMv8 CPU functions, was developed and is presented through this paper. Since this tool’s main purpose is to aid computer architecture students, contributing to an improvement in their learning experience, it comprises varied concepts of computer architecture and organization in a simple and intuitive manner, such as the internal structure of a CPU, in both its unicycle and pipelined versions, and the effects of executing a set of instructions. As to better understand its value, the developed tool was then validated through a case study with the participation of computer architecture students.

Paper Nr: 11

Common Code Quality Issues of Novice Java Programmers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Assignments


Christina Julia Kohlbacher, Michael Vierhauser and Iris Groher

Abstract: Starting to learn programming is often perceived as being quite tedious by students at the bachelor level. Many programming courses thus face high drop-out rates and moderate results for those who pass. This problem is exacerbated when teaching programming to students enrolled in non-computer science curricula. To over-come these issues, we have developed a novel didactic concept based on peer learning, tutoring, dedicated teaching, and learning material that supports individuality and competency-based learning. Our current focus lies on teaching basic programming principles, but to further support our students and foster a positive learning experience, we want to learn more about the difficulties they are facing, particularly with respect to best practices, coding conventions, and code quality. We, therefore, performed a static code analysis of homework assignments of students participating in our introductory programming course for two consecutive years. We analyzed over 13,000 Java files and more than 400,000 lines of Java code to identify common code quality issues faced by our students. Our analysis shows that the majority of rule violations are related to coding style. The violations do not differ much with respect to the topics covered in the homework assignments, and hardly change over time. The more lines of code the students write, the more rules are violated. Based on our findings we present concrete recommendations on how to support novice programmers in improving their code quality.

Paper Nr: 33

Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and Complex Thinking


José Carlos Vázquez-Parra, Carles Lindín-Soriano, Marco Cruz-Sandoval and Martina Carlos-Arroyo

Abstract: The purpose of this text is to present the results of a pilot test that is part of a validation process of a proprietary methodology, which aims to develop skills and competencies associated with social entrepreneurship, along with the competency of complex thinking. This methodology considers the use of a technological platform that, through self-directed activities, promotes the development of social entrepreneurship and complex thinking skills. From these results, we seek to argue the relevance of this methodology by focusing on the development of capabilities, beyond the generation of entrepreneurial projects. This text exposes the need to develop educational technological tools that allow the development of people, regardless of the institution to which they belong or the specialized human resources to which they have access.

Paper Nr: 79

The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis


Christian Casalvieri, Alessandro Gambini, Camilla Spagnolo and Giada Viola

Abstract: In this paper we present a qualitative study on data collected by an eye-tracker tool regarding a Calculus task. One purpose of this research is to highlight the differences and similarities between visual observation of expert and non-expert groups. Analysis of the way of reading a text can provide a lot of information about cognitive processes carried out to solve the task. Moreover, the aim of this study is to analyse, through the eye-tracker tool, the difficulties of students concerning the concept of derivatives and to understand what may trigger a wrong answer to the task.

Paper Nr: 81

A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps


Rubén Grande and Aurora Vizcaíno

Abstract: If today’s software development organisations are to remain competitive in the software industry, then they need new ways of working or methodologies that will enable them to meet their customers’ needs as quickly as possible. Agile methodologies that help organisations to achieve this have been used and developed for several years, but they emphasise only software development teams. However, many teams, such as the IT operations team, are involved in software projects but are not dealt with by agile methodologies, and this is how DevOps came into being. DevOps is a concept that encompasses a new philosophy that seeks to promote the collaboration between the software development team and the IT operations team. However, since it is one of the latest trends in the software industry, there is a lack of training on it, despite the increasing demand for skilled personnel with DevOps knowledge. The goal of this paper is, therefore, to present Journey to the Core of DevOps, a serious game whose objective is to introduce Software Engineering students and inexperienced engineers to the concept of DevOps by providing a virtual environment in which key aspects of DevOps are emphasised, thus allowing players to have a first contact with it.

Paper Nr: 95

Gamebrics: Integrating Analytical Rubrics into Serious Games to Teach Analytical Skills


Hugo Huurdeman, Hans Hummel, Rob Nadolski, Giel van Lankveld, Konstantinos Georgiadis, Johan van den Boomen, Hub Kurvers, Petra Neessen, Ron Pat-El and Aad Slootmaker

Abstract: Complex skills, such as analytical thinking, are essential in the rapidly changing society of the 21st century. An ongoing question is how to teach these complex skills in higher education. Serious games hold potential to stimulate the acquisition of analytical skills. Rubrics are proven feedback and evaluation instruments, but have never been directly integrated into the gameplay of serious games. This position paper discusses how the novel integration of analytical rubrics into serious games may fill this gap. We discuss our approach for this integration and illustrate it using an implementation of analytical rubrics into an existing scenario-based serious game. The discussed approach involves creating theory-informed rubrics, performing validated mappings of rubric elements to game activities and the formulation of appropriate reflective feedback. In addition, we outline the design and implementation of a player-facing dashboard to allow players to track their progress, in-game performance in terms of analytical skills and to receive reflective feedback. Finally, we provide a brief outlook to an ongoing evaluation study examining the effectiveness of the integration of rubrics into serious games.

Paper Nr: 102

Revision of the AIG Software Toolkit: A Contribute to More User Friendliness and Algorithmic Efficiency


Sebastian Kucharski, Gregor Damnik, Florian Stahr and Iris Braun

Abstract: The traditional way of constructing items to assess learning is time-consuming because it requires experts to perform the labor-intensive task of creating legions of items by hand. The Automatic Item Generation (AIG) approach aims to streamline this process by having experts not formulate individual items, but rather create highly structured models that can be used by software to automatically generate them. This requires two types of software components. First, an editor that allows experts to specify these models. Second, a generator that processes the specified models and generates the intended items. The elaboration of these components must address the following challenges. The former must be usable for the definition of complex knowledge models while the corresponding modeling process should be easy to understand. The latter should be able to process these models in a reasonable time. Thus, the goal is to overcome both challenges by defining and conceptualizing the use of a model representation that is easy to understand and efficient to process. Therefore, we present a new AIG software toolkit in relation to our previous work, which addresses these challenges by introducing a new representation approach - the layered-model-approach. The toolkit shall be evaluated in terms of usability and efficiency.

Paper Nr: 114

The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment


Cecilia Fissore, Valeria Fradiante and Marina Marchisio

Abstract: In a problem-solving activity, generalizing is an important process by which the specifics of a solution are examined. Technologies support this process, making it possible to create interactive explorations that allow to see how the result changes as the initial data vary. In this article we focus on the generalization of the solution process during a mathematical problem-solving activity using an Advanced Computing Environment (ACE). Our research questions are: how can we analyze the skills students develop while generalizing a problem? What are the most frequent difficulties? We analyzed the solution of a problem-solving activity with an ACE submitted by 75 students using a model specially developed by us for studying generalization using interactive components. The model considers three phases: design and choice of interactive components, programming of the system and control stages of generalization of a problem. For each stage we established a set of indicators to understand the competences achieved by each student. The results show that the students generalized the problem using different strategies, with some difficulty in the programming and control phase. The model developed allows to reflect on the skills achieved by students in the various phases of the generalization process.

Paper Nr: 146

DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale


Mohamed Ez-zaouia and Rubiela Carrillo

Abstract: Visualization of interrelated ideas and concepts, widely known as concept maps, is a ubiquitous technique for knowledge inquiry in many areas, such as learning, design, problem-solving, and creativity. While the effectiveness of concept maps is well documented in research and practice, comprehensive methods and tools for concept map assessments are scarce. Assessing concept maps is challenging, time-consuming, and prone to errors. DotWrangler builds upon previous research and proposes a method to assess concept maps qualitatively and quantitatively at scale. We present a visual assessment authoring tool demonstrating the DotWrangler approach and show its utility through a case study. The utility of DotWrangler is to enable the design of a reliable method of concept maps’ assessments, facilitate the execution of assessments at scale, and reduce the burden on instructors during the assessment process.

Paper Nr: 149

Optimization Analysis for an Uncovered Wagon Transportation with an Interactive Animated Simulation-Based Platform for Multidisciplinary Learning


Moritz Hauke Wohlstein, Evgeniya Zakharova, Brit-Maren Block and Paolo Mercorelli

Abstract: At an earlier stage of European funding for projects on technology-enhanced learning, the main thrust was to develop e-learning technologies and on projects that sought to promote the take-up of platforms and services. This contribution is prepared by students after attending lectures of a multidisciplinary course in the context of a complementary studies frame. The students of this course summarized, through a case study, concepts and methods in a straightforward, but structured way. Thanks to the help of a software tool based on Python, an original and open learning platform is realized for students and lecturers and it represents a part of this contribution. Concerning the specific lecture, cargo loads and transportation are important logistical topics in many industries. They dictate the profit of the final product, expenditure, time consumption and labor force utilization. The optimal transportation of any type of cargo is crucial for businesses. More in general, it is possible to say that the proposed problem can be generalized and applied in other main economic problems in which optimization problems are involved. In this work we focused on the optimization of fluid transportation under specified conditions, or constraints, in other words. The aim of the project is to determine the optimal parameters of the system to control the transportation in an optimal way. This material which includes an open software to test the developed concepts through the lecture can be used by students and lecturers. An open link is accessible to the users.

Paper Nr: 8

Visualizing Compiler Design Theory from Implementation Through an Interactive Tutoring Tool: Experiences and Results


Rafael DelVado Vírseda

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the experiences and results obtained by using an Interactive Tutoring Tool (ITT) (del Vado Vírseda, 2020; del Vado Vírseda, 2022) to interactively tutoring the learning of the basic theoretical contents of a course on compiler design. Instead of beginning by studying the theory and then obtaining the code of its corresponding implementation in each of the phases of compiler construction, we propose to start from the implementation obtained by the students using automatic code generation tools (del Vado Vírseda, 2021). By using ITT, we interactively guide the exploration of the finite state automata and graphs generated by compiler writing tools, learning the most important theoretical concepts from the implementation, and increasing the understanding of the theory in relation to the code of its implementation. This work reports on this educational experience of improving the teaching of theory from the implementation, by using the interactive visualizations and explorations produced by ITT. As an evaluation of the educational experience with ITT, the academic results obtained by the students are analyzed, to provide success indicators.

Paper Nr: 39

A Proposal of a New Team Building Method in IT PBL: A Trial of the SENTAI-Hero-Exercise


Chikako Morimoto and Keisuke Minami

Abstract: In recent years, the development of digital transformation has accelerated worldwide. Therefore, the importance of practical IT human resource development is increasing day by day. Active learning has been introduced as a practical human resource development method. In Japan, practical education programs that transcend the barriers between universities and between industry and academia have been implemented since 2006, and Project Based Learning (PBL) has been widely used as a method to realize such programs. However, in Japan, the university faculty members don’t have enough specialty in project management, and many of them feel difficulty in team management. Especially, IT faculty members are seemed not good at facilitation. In this study, we organize PBL from the perspective of project management and report the results of our trial of a method to smoothly implement team building, which is particularly important when launching PBL for IT faculty. This method doesn’t use any tools and easy icebreaking for the start of PBL.

Paper Nr: 52

Explore Through the Past: Gesture-Based Mobile Game for Children Observing Geological Layer Exhibit at History Museum


Kihiro Tokuno, Fusako Kusunoki and Shigenori Inagaki

Abstract: Geo-Science education enables children to enjoy observing and investigating environment around them. In particular, physically experiencing geological formations in a museum or other settings can enhance the effectiveness of geo-science education. Mobile devices are widely spread and have been used in various areas. However, during their usage, the physical movements of learners are restricted. Restriction in physical movements leads to reduction in enjoyment. Therefore, our study developed an action game wherein learners interacted with a digital object on a mobile device through a character controlled by their body movements. Our experiment result shows children found the game engaging and educational and were willing to try again. The game was easy to use and natural, suggesting it increased interest in the exhibit. The results suggest the use of gesture-based learning experiences can increase interest and make learning about geological formations in museums more effective.

Paper Nr: 83

Blended Approach for Deep Learning: A Framework for Teaching Undergraduate Computer Programming Courses


Mohammad Tafiqur Rahman

Abstract: Teaching computer programming (CP) courses demands cutting-edge course practicalities that include (i) updated course design with adequate content, (ii) modern pedagogy-enabled course conduction, and (iii) course completion with adequate practically implementable knowledge. However, meeting such requirements is not possible only through the traditional teaching (TT) approach, nor by any specific or individual approaches practiced in modern teaching. We need combined approaches to meet learners’ desires and industry needs. I propose a teaching framework that blends traditional and flipped classroom (FC) approaches to facilitate deep learning toward essential knowledge construction on CP and provide practical experiences for software system development. In the proposed framework, the TT approach emphasizes theoretical understanding, whereas the FC approach focuses on active engagement, active participation, and active learning. The TEE (theory-example-exercise) approach binds the chosen approaches together, where the theory part is handled in the TT approach, and the example and exercise parts are processed in the FC approach. Since I successfully applied this blended approach framework to teaching undergraduate CP courses at a Norwegian university, I believe it will be suitable not only for courses in this discipline but also in other disciplines with necessary modifications.

Paper Nr: 113

Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills


Ilenia Fronza, Gennaro Iaccarino, Sara Tosi, Luis Corral and Claus Pahl

Abstract: While entering the post-COVID-19 pandemic phase, to define a new normal way of working, some companies are transitioning toward a permanent WFX model, while others are combining WFX with colocated work (i.e., hybrid work). Therefore, fostering WFX skills (usually classified as soft skills) in early-career students becomes crucial; additionally, it can help reduce early school leaving. This work aims at understanding how business simulation projects foster the WFX skills deemed crucial by industries. To this end, we conducted two case studies involving high school students. The final questionnaire revealed that most participants evaluate their WFX as fair or higher. Moreover, they believe that business simulation projects help in developing WFX skills. Based on our results, we highlight recommendations for educational practice.

Paper Nr: 118

Information Literacy Instructional Practices Among Academic Librarians Within the Asia and Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Analysis


Dayang Norsheila Abang Mohtar and Fitri Suraya Mohamad

Abstract: This study examined the level of understanding needed by academic librarians working at university libraries in Asia and Asia-Pacific to produce practical teaching skills in Information Literacy (IL) courses. Data were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s 2006 thematic analysis approach. Respondents were those teaching IL at five universities in Malaysia, one in Singapore, and one in New Zealand. Analysis indicated stark differences in how IL is taught in all participating universities. The findings helped identify the challenges faced by librarians as a result of the behavioural change brought about by 21st-century learners in higher education institutions which led respondents to question their teaching efficacy and how their work as informed instructors in delivering IL module content to students have informed the shifting roles of academic librarians in teaching IL.

Area 4 - Social Context and Learning Environments

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 4

Investigating How Introductory Programming Students Apply Regulation Strategies


Deller James Ferreira and Dirson Santos Campos

Abstract: Self-regulated learning is an important topic in introductory computer programming. Self-regulated learning is defined as the degree to which students are active participants in their own academic learning with respect to motivational, behavioral, metacognitive, and cognitive aspects. Another important aspect in programming learning is the social regulation of learning, in which students co-regulate or share regulation of their cognition, behavior, motivation and emotions, in situations of temporary coordination of regulation with colleagues or teachers. Therefore, teaching and learning approaches in programming do not prioritize skills aligned with self-regulation, co-regulation and shared regulation. Thus, the objective of this research is to unveil the extent to which introductory programming students apply regulation strategies during programming. An exploratory study involving 198 students, found evidence that a significant number of students do not engage themselves in regulatory strategies during learning introductory programming.

Paper Nr: 20

The Impact of COVID-19 on Authoring Open Data Workshop Settings in High School


Maria Anna Ambrosino, Vanja Annunziata, Giuseppina Gonnella and Maria Angela Pellegrino

Abstract: According to the Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data are data that can be freely used, created and shared by anyone. Initiatives to let K-12 learners exploit Open Data are rare in literature, and the situation is even worse if we look for opportunities to move them in the position of Open Data publishers. To advance the dialogue around methods to increase awareness of Open Data, improve users’ skills to author and use Open Data, HETOR regularly organises workshops with secondary school learners to let them create, publish, and exploit Open Data by SPOD since 2016. While workshops were organised as physical meetings, during the COVID-19 pandemic, HETOR required to revise the performed protocol. This article reports changes applied to the workshops proposed by HETOR and the observed results in terms of quantity and quality of produced open datasets, and quality of presenting and disseminating the authored Open Data by comparing workshops’ results before and after the COVID-19. According to the discussion, the quantity and quality of the workshops outcome increased during the workshops that took place after the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrating that Open Data based initiatives can successfully survive in remote settings. On the opposite, the quality of the presentations authored by scholars is more heterogeneous during after-COVID workshops demonstrating that remote settings make educational inequalities worse.

Paper Nr: 129

UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic


Basmah Almekhled and Helen Petrie

Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic has led to major changes in higher education around the world. Higher education institutions (HEIs) moved to completely online learning and a range of new technologies including online videoconferencing and chat tools. Research has shown that users have privacy and security concerns about such tools, but little is known about the attitudes of HEI students to these issues, apart from reluctance to use webcams during online teaching. A survey of 71 UK HEI students explored attitudes and concerns about privacy and security in online teaching in the pandemic. Participants knew little about institutional policies on these issues and few had had any training. Ratings of concern across a range of issues were generally low, however in open-ended questions, a range of concerns such as being recorded without permission, unauthorised people entering and disrupting of online sessions, not knowing where recordings are stored and who has access to them. The main concerns about online teaching situations related to being monitored in examinations. HEIs moved very rapidly to deploy online technologies for teaching in response to the pandemic, but going forward, more transparency and information to students could alleviate many of these concerns and create better informed students.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 25

Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment


Anis M. Haddouche, Fahima Djelil, Christian Hoffmann, Nadine Mandran and Cédric d’Ham

Abstract: Collaborative Writing (CW) is a common activity in education, which is being enhanced by the use of digital learning environments, leading to a growing research field in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). In order to help teachers to monitor students CW, we propose two indicators that provide measures of student contributions to a text writing, namely balance of contribution and co-writing. We also identified CW strategies that are well defined in the literature. Moreover, we conducted a questionnaire evaluation to verify the interpretation of the indicators and the strategies by teachers in higher education context, using student reports edited in a collaborative digital environment called LabNbook, during physics and chemistry courses in undergraduate level. Results showed that teachers have a good interpretation of the indicators and strategies. This work contributes to research insights in CW, and motivates future work to design meaningful learning indicators.

Paper Nr: 54

An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion


Leo A. Siiman and Yelyzaveta Halchevska

Abstract: Although the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted learning for students worldwide, the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has more severely impacted education for Ukrainian students. This study was conducted in the context of an educational technology master’s thesis (Halchevska, 2022) at the University of Tartu, Estonia. A master’s student with Ukrainian background contacted a biology teacher in Ukraine and offered to help teach an online collaborative lesson about genetics and the laws of inheritance. The lesson involved using an innovative computer simulation called the Collaborative Rabbit Genetics Lab. The learning materials were translated into Ukrainian. A quasi-experimental research design compared whether prior experience working with a collaborative seesaw simulation would influence outcomes later with the biology-related collaborative simulation. Data from two classes of 9th-grade students were collected using questionnaire items related to the perception of interdependence, an open-ended question about collaboration, and a focus group interview. The results indicate that prior practice with a collaborative simulation somewhat enhanced perceived collaboration the next time students worked with a similar type of interdependent task but did not affect task performance. The findings suggest that more guidance is needed to support learners in online collaboration when they solve interdependent tasks.

Paper Nr: 86

Nurturing Social Presence in a Blended Learning Environment


Viktor Magnusson, Åsa Devine and Michaela Sandell

Abstract: The ambition of this development study is to explore the opportunity to put the knowledge gained during the COVID-19 pandemic into practice in a blended, post-COVID, learning environment. The focus is to explore how a combination of digital and face-to-face activities may allow for fostering social presence among undergraduate students. The Social Presence model and the five elements of Affective Association, Community of Cohesion, Instructor Investment, Interaction Intensity, and Knowledge and Experience, encompass the theoretical framework of the study. The contextual setting is the first course of The Marketing Programme at Linnaeus University in Sweden, a bachelor program with a 50% Swedish intake and 50% international intake. Given the diverse background of the students in this course, challenges are typically encountered in relation to community building. Empirical data was collected during the fall of 2022 among the enrolled students using an online questionnaire. While the results from this study should be seen as preliminary, they offer an inspiring glimpse of how to nurture social presence in a blended learning environment.

Paper Nr: 88

ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan


Dunya Donna Chen, Jiayi Lu and Keiko Okawa

Abstract: Since 2015, an ICT-supported workshop program based on the constructionism approach has been implemented at Fujimikaoga High School for Girls (FHS) in Japan. Keio University Graduate School of Media Design students from diverse cultural backgrounds facilitates the nonformal learning experience. The program employs a design thinking process (DTP) and ICT tools to enhance active collaborative learning and intercultural interactions. Over 800 students have participated, demonstrating gains in critical thinking, investigation, feedback articulation, and iteration of their own views. This paper details the program’s concept, process, qualitative findings, key elements of success, and challenges during implementation.

Paper Nr: 90

Modelling Teachers' Digital Maturity: Literature Review and Proposal for a Unified Model


Christine Michel and Laëtitia Pierrot

Abstract: We present in this position paper how we conducted a literature review on teacher digital maturity models. We extracted 11 models applicable to the field of compulsory schooling. Here, we propose a synthesis of the constituent dimensions of each model and how these dimensions contribute to determine the digital maturity levels of teachers. While our synthesis highlights the diversity of the dimensions included in the models, it also reveals that most of these models provide only a partial picture of technology maturity. Moreover, most of these models focus on the latest levels of maturity, associated with innovative or pioneering teachers, and leave out non- or low digital user teachers, who are well represented in the French context. In the last part of this position paper, we propose a unified model of teachers’ digital maturity, called “MUME”, addressing these two issues.

Paper Nr: 122

Visually-Structured Written Notation Based on Sign Language for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing


Nobuko Kato, Yuhki Hotta, Akihisa Shitara and Yuhki Shiraishi

Abstract: Deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students often face challenges in comprehending highly specialized texts due to the long time needed to understand their content. This may be due to factors such as the complexity of Japanese syntax, which differs from Japanese sign language. This study describes the results of a questionnaire on the notation method that we proposed based on sign language for DHH individuals. The results revealed that DHH individuals who use sign language correctly answered most questions on sentence structure when using the proposed notation methods than when using Japanese sentences.

Paper Nr: 123

Determinants of Learners' Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning


Jing Li, Chi-Jen Chuang and Chi-Hui Wu

Abstract: Self-directed learning and online learning attitudes are important learning behavioral factors for learners in online learning; meanwhile, they affect learning outcomes too. In addition, the criteria of self-directed learning and online learning attitudes have complex, tangled, interconnected relationships. Therefore, this study applied the Fuzzy Delphi method and Fuzzy DEMATEL method to clarify the complex relationship between self-directed learning and online learning attitudes and to provide schools with teaching strategies and curriculum design to motivate learners’ learning behavior. The study revealed that, in terms of the dimensions, "self-directed learning" is the defining dimension of learners’ learning behavior, which influences the "online learning attitudes" dimension. Furthermore, in the criteria section, "self-learning", "computer and network confidence", "online learning", "computer and smartphone use" and "computer and smartphone preferences" are the decisive criteria that influence the other seven criteria. Among them, online learning, computer and smartphone use, and computer and smartphone preferences are the three key criteria for learning, and therefore, enhancing learners’ attitudes towards online learning is an important task.

Paper Nr: 124

Communicating Emotions During Lectures


Arsalan Ali Sadiq and Georgios Marentakis

Abstract: Teaching and learning are processes that generate a wide range of emotions in both students and lecturers, which are often kept private and not expressed in the classroom. Emotions may arise in the classroom or auditorium because of the material being taught, the way it is taught, the interaction with fellow students or the lecturer, as well as other factors such as the physical conditions of the lecture room. In the classroom, emotion is primarily communicated in an covert way, as in the gestures or the speech of teachers and students which may not be sufficient for good communication, as for example, in large auditoria or during online teaching. In other cases, the emotional load itself may hinder the expression of students and teachers. We report here on the results of applying a user-centered design approach to the design and development of a system that allows students to communicate emotion during the lecture in an efficient way, while the lecturer monitors and responds to them in real-time. Our findings suggest that students are interested in a cross-platform application that can be run on both their laptop and mobile devices. Furthermore, they wanted a solution that would not distract them from the lecture and that they could use effortlessly. Based on the evaluation of a prototype, the overall feedback shows that the system we developed appears to be promising and the system’s operation causes no disruption or concern while listening or delivering the lecture.

Paper Nr: 131

Virtual Reality as a Tool for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within the Higher Education Landscape


Jennifer Richter, Liesel Sharabi, Rachel Luchmun, Tray Geiger, Annie Hale and Alysha Ramirez Hall

Abstract: While Virtual Reality (VR) Has the Potential To Be a Powerful Tool for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), It Is Crucial To Be Aware of the Biases that May Be Present and Work To Address Them Throughout the Design and Development Process. Inclusive VR Will Accommodate the Differing Requirements and Identities of Individual Students, Together With a Commitment To Remove the Barriers that Impede that Possibility. in Doing so, This Will also Introduce New Possibilities for Expanding DEI Initiatives Through Embodied and Immersive Experiences that Will Allow Students To See the World from Someone Else’s Perspective. However, While the Promises of VR Are Plentiful, There Are also Emerging Issues that Will Hamper Access Unless They Are Proactively Addressed by both VR Designers and the Institutions Implementing VR Technologies into Curricula.

Paper Nr: 134

Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice


Shun Arima, Marcos Sadao Maekawa, Noriatsu Kudo and Keiko Okawa

Abstract: This position paper reports on the design of the Asia Pacific Internet Engineering (APIE) Program: an ICT education program for undergraduate students in the Asia-Pacific region that utilize multiple resources and learning content from existing ICT-related Communities of Practice (CoP). APIE program consists of four components: self-paced online courses, synchronous online sessions, an onsite camp, and an internship. The program structure has been strategically designed to position APIE not only as an online courseware for knowledge acquirement but anticipating its potential to become a new CoP that fulfills the gaps between the current ICT education and the expectation from academia and industry. This study first introduces the program concept and describes the design of components and the implementation plans. It also presents preliminary results from the first pilot runs of the program.

Paper Nr: 137

Can Emotional Intelligence Act as a Weapon (Warrior) Against Bullying?


Nino Jikia, Natela Doghonadze and Tatiani Gkatsa

Abstract: To build an effective and safe learning community fighting with bullying is critical, which can be done via increasing students’ emotional intelligence. This paper aims to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and bullying rate, and how an effective bullying prevention program can be organized. For this study, the qualitative research design was chosen. A convenience and snowball sampling were applied to hold the interview with school teachers and psychologists. Eight teachers and two psychologists from different schools were interviewed via the zoom.com platform. The findings revealed that, for most teachers, the term ‘emotional intelligence’ was relatively new. However, psychologists were well aware of this concept. All respondents were well aware of the concepts of bullying (victims of bullying, bullies, bystanders, and victimization). Most importantly, all respondents believed that the development of emotional intelligence can help prevent or at least diminish the bullying rate. Developing emotional intelligence should become one of the priorities for reducing the bullying rate among students. Bullying prevention/intervention programs should have a complex nature.

Paper Nr: 82

Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study


Fernando Bona, Rafael Chanin, Nicolas Nascimento and Afonso Sales

Abstract: Teaching software engineering is challenging as it is a field widely desired by the market, and it requires professionals with an increasing set of skills. There are gaps in this learning process perceived both by professionals from the academia and from the industry that need to be further investigated in order to find strategies to reconcile the expectations from both environments. In this sense, this study aims to investigate these gaps from the perspective of Information Technology (IT) team leaders. In order to do so, we chose a qualitative approach to absorb as much knowledge as possible from each interviewed leader by using a field study methodology. Among the results obtained, we identified the appropriate profile to become an IT leader, what IT leaders expect regarding the skills of IT novices, and how the academia and the industry could work to-gether to build an environment that better prepares these professional, according to the view of the interviewed leaders.

Paper Nr: 130

COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna


Silvia Alayón and Marta Sigut

Abstract: Our practice programs have changed drastically after the appearance of COVID-19. The practical sessions designed for all Automation subjects until 2019 were face-to-face. But the arrival of the pandemic and health restrictions resulted in the closure of our university facilities, which forced us to redo the laboratory experiences. It is in this context that simulation and gamification helped us to move forward, since the solution we followed was the virtualization of the laboratory. Although the degree of satisfaction of the students with the new practical sessions is quite good, the purpose of this paper is not to present a detailed analysis of all the simulation and gamification tools we studied, but to explain what our situation was like before COVID-19, how we faced the change, what we learned in the process, what the new practice programs we are currently following are like, what tools have helped us, and what goals we still have to achieve. We hope that our experience can be useful to other teachers.

Area 5 - Domain Applications and Case Studies

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University Students


Sarah Aragon-Hahner, Sophia Sakel and Sven Strickroth

Abstract: Online self-assessments (OSAs) are common tools for university orientation. Usually, OSAs are multiplechoice tests giving prospective students a recommendation on their suitability for the selected study program. However, they lack true “self-assessment”, which is essential for informed decision-making. To better understand users’ requirements of OSAs, we interviewed two experts, evaluated our university’s current computer science OSA (N = 228), and conducted a survey with first-semester students (N = 51). The results highlight the importance of self-reflection and social exchange in study choices. Moreover, users expressed a wish for flexible and personalized content. On this basis, we conceptualized a mobile OSA app including the features that were rated most positively in the pre-studies. The app allows for flexible use by providing micro-content in a clip format. In a first proof-of-concept study (N = 11) the app was perceived as helpful and easy to use. Moreover, users highlighted the concept’s potential to stimulate self-reflection.

Paper Nr: 22

At School of Open Data: A Literature Review


Maria Angela Pellegrino and Alessia Antelmi

Abstract: Open Data are published to let interested stakeholders exploit data and create value out of them, but limited technical skills are a crucial barrier. Learners are invited to develop data and information literacy according to 21st-century skills and become aware of open data sources and what they can do with the data. They are encouraged to learn how to analyse and exploit data, transform data into information by visualisation, and effectively communicate data insights. This paper presents a systematic literature review of initiatives to let K-12 learners familiarise themselves with Open Data. This review encompasses a total of 21 papers that met the inclusion criteria organising them in taxonomies according to the used data format, the adopted approach, and the expected learning outcome. The discussion compares the included initiative and points out challenges that should be overcome to advance the dialogue around Open Data at school.

Paper Nr: 58

Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work


Abdelkader Ouared, Moussa Amrani and Pierre-Yves Schobbens

Abstract: Computer-assisted learning is widely discussed in the literature to aid the comprehension of SQL queries (Structured Query Language) in higher education. However, it is difficult for educators/instructors to track, monitor and analyze students’ learning situation due to the higher education massification, and institutions with large classes. Consequently, we need to provide for educators a learning dashboard to monitor and analyze the digital traces issued from students during the practice learning in SQL course. We propose a system called LSQL (Learning Analytics for SQL) that is a solution based on the learning analytics’ methodology. To this end, we propose (i) learning environment dedicated to help students understand the syntax and logic of SQL and getting data issued from these students during online SQL lab work, (ii) trace model which is designed to more effectively represent and capture the complex interactions/actions carried by a student during practice learning activities in virtual/remote laboratories, and (iii) learning analytics dashboard for educators to visualize the statistics and metrics that represent the students’ behavior, and control the students progress in SQL skills to enhance the teaching activities. Tool support is fully available.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 27

An Analysis of Teaching Informatics by Means of Enactive-Haptic Representations


Lisa Göbel, Lutz Hellmig and Alke Martens

Abstract: The subject of computer science is gaining more and more important. But how are computer science concepts taught? The use of enactive-haptic representation can be an option, which is however quite unknown in computer science education. Partly, this is due to the fact that enactive-haptic is a blurred concept, which is not easy to grasp in the context of digital technology. In this paper, the term enactive-haptic is analyzed in the context of computer science. The resulting model and its usage are sketched in this paper.

Paper Nr: 40

Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria


Corinna Hörmann, Eva Schmidthaler and Barbara Sabitzer

Abstract: In response to the requirement that every European citizen acquires the skills necessary for enhancing and utilizing digital technology in a critical, inventive, and creative way, the European Digital Competence Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) was developed. In Austria, grade 9 students began taking “Computer Science” in 1985. For a very long time, there was only this single year of IT education that was compulsory during the educational career. 21st century skills were finally formally integrated into higher grades when Austria introduced the mandatory curriculum “Digital Education” (Digitale Grundbildung) in September 2018 for all students in lower secondary education. The administration of the school could decide whether to provide “Digital Education” as a standalone course or whether to integrate it into other subjects. Finally, the new curriculum was added to the regular timetable as a compulsory subject in the 2022/2023 academic year. But because of a staffing shortage and a lack of teaching material, schools continue to struggle with the issue of who is teaching what and how. This paper discusses the introduction of the new curriculum and examines early results of a poll that 673 teachers participated in between September and December 2022.

Paper Nr: 119

Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to Role Models


Fathima Assilmia and Keiko Okawa

Abstract: Aspiration is substantial in children’s learning and career development. Unfortunately, the isolation of information in rural areas left the children with a narrow vision of future careers. Utilizing the combination of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and analog learning methods, the project aims to broaden children’s horizons and build a sense of connectedness between them and the world of work. Exploration components and delivery methods were designed and validated with schoolchildren aged 9 to 13 who live in Panglungan Village, Indonesia. Observation, survey, output analysis, and interview are combined to examine the impact of the learning components and the program’s sustainability. The result shows that the learning component designed also help promote aspiration in children in rural area. The research also emphasizes the use of new media in non-formal learning like career exploration and the role of a learning center in rural areas.

Paper Nr: 17

Integration of Virtual Reality with Intelligent Tutoring for High Fidelity Air Traffic Control Training


Alvin T. S. Chan, Peng Cheng Wang, Frank Guan, Saw Han Soo and Haris Lim Hao Li

Abstract: Air traffic control plays a significant role and service by ground-based air traffic controllers (ATC) in providing specific and clear advisory guidance to pilots at every stage of a flight. Specifically, the air traffic control purpose is to ensure safety procedures and protocols are adhered to avoid collisions, and to ensure organized and systematic flow of air traffic on the ground and in the air. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of an immersive and collaborative Virtual Reality (VR) training platform that is scalable and cost-effective compared to traditional method of training ATCs in a physical mock-up of a 360-degree air control tower simulator. The use of immersive VR technology through Head Mounted Display (HMD) would not only solve the space constraints but also immerse users in their tasks while supporting better management and analysis of the complex data produced during training. Through the integration of intelligent tutoring that actively tracks the training progress of the trainee, the system facilitates personalized training that has been shown to significantly improve the learning experience.

Paper Nr: 76

STEM in Elementary Teacher Training in Austria


Maritta Schalk, Sara Hinterplattner and Barbara Sabitzer

Abstract: Knowledge and skills from STEM subjects are becoming increasingly important. It is therefore important that these elements be implied in the curriculum of all educational institutions, starting already in elementary education. For this purpose, the training of elementary teachers in this field is very important and indispensable. In Austria, STEM topics are included in the curriculum of the vocational secondary school at the Educational Institute for Elementary Teachers. To find out about the actual implementation and impact of their STEM training, elementary teachers were asked to what extent they had become acquainted with the contents of STEM subjects in their teachers training, also with regard to their transfer into practice. The results show that the elementary teachers have received hardly any practical and theoretical information about the teaching of STEM content in their training. Moreover, without additional training, most of the elementary teachers do not feel prepared to teach the required STEM contents defined in curricula for elementary education in their daily work.

Area 6 - Ubiquitous Learning

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 36

EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education


Valery Vodovozov, Zoja Raud and Madis Lehtla

Abstract: The ongoing technical progress needs in deepening the partnership of engineering educational institutions. The EuroTeQ University Alliance, created by six leading European universities of science and technology, represents one of the first responses to this challenge. The paper is dedicated to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the EuroTeQ platform. The EuroTeQ student cohort is compared here with the international student team studied at the host university for three years and the European Erasmus+ one-semester student team. A discipline “Robotics” of six credit points for the bachelor degree came into the focus of this study. An active learning approach was applied as the basic educational methodology. As a result of multilateral analysis and observations, several directions for further development of the EuroTeQ Alliance are proposed.