Christoph Meinel
Independent Researcher
Brief Bio
Christoph Meinel (Univ.-Prof., Dr.rer.nat., Dr.sc.nat., 1954) is the founding president of the German University of Digital Science. From 2004 to 2023 he was CEO and Scientific Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI) at the University of Potsdam. There he was Professor of Computer Science and held the chair for "Internet Technologies and Systems".
Since 2012, Meinel has been a member of acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering. He is chairman or member of numerous scientific committees, advisory boards and supervisory boards, and a visiting professor at seve
ral universities in China (TU Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai). In 2019, he will be inducted into the New Internet IPv6 Hall of Fame.
With his team, he designed and built the first European MOOC learning platform openHPI.de, which has been used by partners such as the WHO (openWHO.org), SAP (openSAP.com), and the Stifterverband (KI-Campus.org). MOOCs are interactive online courses for thousands of learners who can network and exchange ideas while learning. Across all platforms, there are more than 16 million enrollments
Meinel studied mathematics and computer science at the Humboldt University of Berlin from 1974 to 1979, where he received his Dr. rer. nat. degree in 1981. In 1988 he habilitated at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In 1992 he was appointed full professor (C4) of Computer Science at the University of Trier. From 1998 to 2002, in addition to his professorship, he was Director and Managing Director of the Institut für Telematik e.V. From 1996 to 2007, Christoph Meinel was a member of the Scientific Board of IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl. From 1992 to 2007, he was the spokesman for the "Complexity" division of the German Informatics Society (GI). He has received numerous invitations to speak in Germany and abroad, is involved in a number of international program committees, has organized various international symposia and conferences, and was and is a member of a number of supervisory boards, e.g. the Security Advisory Board of SAP.
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Benedict du Boulay
University of Sussex
United Kingdom
Brief Bio
Benedict du Boulay is an Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sussex and Visiting Professor at University College London.
His primary research area is the application of Artificial Intelligence in Education. He is particularly interested in issues around modelling and developing students’ metacognition and motivation. He was President (2015-2017) of the International Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education. He has edited/written 12 books and written some 190 papers. This includes editing the Handbook of AI in Education published in 2023.
Tania Di Mascio
DISIM, University of L'Aquila
Brief Bio
Tania Di Mascio is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics (DISIM) at the University of L'Aquila. She teaches courses on Methods and Methodologies for ICT and Advanced Database Systems. At the University of L'Aquila, she is responsible of the Interaction and Computational Systems Laboratory and oversees the L'Aquila node of CINI Assisting Technology.
In addition to her academic roles, she serves as an Innovation Manager for MIMIT and is a co-founder and CXO of Project Innovation Srl. Prof. Di Mascio has participated in numerous EU projects, assum
ing significant scientific management roles. Currently, she coordinates the Assistive Technology and Embedded System research group (ATES@AQ).
Her primary research interests include human-computer interaction, assistive technologies and embedded systems, and technology-enhanced learning. She has authored or co-authored over 150 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
Prof. Di Mascio is a member of several steering committees for international and national conferences. She acts as a referee for numerous international journals and frequently serves on organizing and program committees for conferences and workshops. Additionally, she is an active member of SIGCHI, the Center of Excellence of DEWS, and the HiPEAC (High Performance, Edge, and Cloud Computing) European Organization.
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Edmundo Tovar
Madrid Polytechnic University
Brief Bio
Edmundo Tovar (M’94–SM’06) received the computer engineering degree and Ph.D. degree in informatics from the Madrid Technical University (Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 1986 and 1994, respectively. He is currently with the UPM as a Professor of information technology in enterprise with the Languages and Information Systems Department, and a leader of an Innovation Group in Educa- tion in the UPM focused in the application of Web technologies to OpenCourseware and OER. He has been participating in different European projects about OER. He has served as an elected member of the Boa
rd of Directors of the OpenCourseWare Consortium (2009–2013), Executive Director of the OCW Office of the UPM (2008–2012), and currently Executive Director of the Open Education Office at UPM. Prof. Tovar is a member of the IEEE Education Society Board of Governors (2005–2012) and Vice President of Educational Activities and Awards (2013–2014). He is a member on behalf of the Education Society of the University Resources Committee of the IEEE Educational Activities Board. He is a Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) of the IEEE Computer Society (2005 to date). He is on the Steering Committee of the IEEE EDUCON and the IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference (International and Europe Chair, 2008 to date) and is a program and planning committee member, reviewer, and chairman of several others. He is Co-Chair of FIE 2014, organized in Madrid, Spain, by the IEEE and the ASEE. He was awarded the IEEE EDUCON 2011 Meritorious Service Award (jointly with Manuel Castro) of the EDUCON 2011 conference; the 2008 Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award of the IEEE Education Society, and the 2011 Best Chapter Award (by the IEEE Region 8) and the 2007 Chapter Achievement Award (by the IEEE Education Society) for collective work in the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. He received the award for Educational Innovation of the UPM in 2007.
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