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Associations, Federations and Special Interest Groups

Aware of the importance of international cooperation for the advancement of science, INSTICC works closely together with several other national and international associations and is proud to welcome them as partners in its activities or to arrange initiatives in cooperation with them.

While several forms of partnership are welcome, INSTICC places special value in "Technical Co-Sponsorships", by means of which both associations support each other from a scientific perspective for their mutual benefit. Additionally, in this case, members of partner organizations benefit from the same registration conditions as INSTICC members.

Current Institutional Partners:

Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication

INSTICC is the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, a scientific, non-profit, association whose main goals are to serve the international scientific community by promoting, developing and disseminating knowledge in the areas of information systems and technologies, control and communication. It has organized hundreds of successful scientific conferences across the world since 2003, in collaboration with the main international institutions in its areas of interest.

Workflow Management Coalition

Founded in 1993, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a global organization of adopters, developers, consultants, analysts, as well as university and research groups engaged in workflow and BPM. The WfMC creates and contributes to process related standards, educates the market on related issues, and is the only standards organization that concentrates purely on process. The WfMC created Wf-XML and XPDL, the leading process definition language used today in over 80 known solutions to store and exchange process models. XPDL is a process design format for storing the visual diagram and all design time attributes.

Object Management Group

The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies.

European Society for Engineering Education

SEFI is the largest network of higher engineering education institutions (HEIs) and educators in Europe. It is an international non-profit organization created in 1973 that contributes to the development and improvement of HEE in Europe, reinforces the position of the engineering professionals in society, promotes information about HEE and improves communication between teachers, researchers and students, reinforces the university-business cooperation and encourages the European dimension in higher engineering education.

European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning

EATEL supports a network of European research laboratories, groups, companies and people to promote knowledge, education and continuing education in the area of technology-enhanced learning.

International Society for Engineering Education

The aims of the International Society for Engineering Education IGIP are:
- improving teaching methods in technical subjects
- developing practice-oriented curricula that correspond to the needs of students and employers
- encouraging the use of media in technical teaching
- integrating languages and the humanities in engineering education
- fostering management training for engineers
- promoting environmental awareness
- supporting the development of engineering education in developing countries

ACM Special Interest Group on Management Information Systems

SIGMIS is one of the oldest ACM Special Interest Groups and for decades has been instrumental in defining and developing the field of management and information systems.

ACM Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education

SIGITE's mission is to provide a forum for the interaction of practitioners, educators, and others in the field of Information Technology (IT) to exchange ideas and engage in activities that advance the knowledge of its members. With over 400 members worldwide, SIGITE is driving the articulation, promotion, and dissemination of the computing discipline of Information Technology. The organization has created a model undergraduate curriculum and helped create accreditation guidelines for IT programs, and is now defining and promoting IT research.

Swedish Association for Distance Education

Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE) is a professional organization for all those involved in distance learning and flexible learning in Sweden. SADE you will meet people from all over the world of education - from schools and universities, organizations and companies.

American Society for Engineering Education

Founded in 1893, the American Society for Engineering Education is a nonprofit organization of individuals and institutions committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology. It accomplishes this mission by:
- promoting excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice;
- exercising worldwide leadership;
- fostering the technological education of society;
- providing quality products and services to members.

Association des Technologies de l'Information pour l'Education et la Formation

The ATIEF association is the learned society for French speaking researches in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. Its objective is to promote education, research, training, application and creation of knowledge in the field of Information Technology and Communication applied to Education.

Associação Brasileira de Educação em Engenharia

A ABENGE tem como missão produzir mudanças necessárias para melhoria da qualidade do ensino de graduação e pós graduação em engenharia e tecnologia no Brasil, contribuindo decididamente para a formação de profissionais cada vez mais qualificados e capacitados que levem o desenvolvimento e tecnologia a todos os pontos do país pelos benefícios que a engenharia pode proporcionar a toda população.

The International E-Learning Association

The International E-Learning Association (IELA) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in the classroom and the workplace. With members hailing from every continent—and from the realms of business, industry, government, and academia—the IELA is a vibrant and diverse community of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.

International Council for Open and Distance Education

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the leading global membership organization for open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning, and draws its membership from institutions, educational authorities, commercial actors, and individuals.

Portuguese Society for Engineering Education

SPEE – Portuguese Society for Engineering Education is a non-profit association that aims to promote engineering education through pedagogical training and personal development of teachers, dissemination and collaboration in projects, exchange between people and national and foreign institutions and of the analysis and resolution of problems in the scope of engineering education. Constituted by a public deed signed by a seminal group of founding members, it was publicly launched and elected its governing bodies for the first time at the General Meeting of February 19, 2010. It currently has 20 institutional partners, including the Order of engineers, almost all university engineering schools and a significant sample of polytechnics, and more than 200 individual partners working in an even wider range of schools in a wide range of fields, from the most classic to the most modern, broad spectrum or more or less narrow.
