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Universities, R&D Groups and Academic Networks

CSEDU is a unique forum for universities, research groups and research projects to present their research and scientific results, be it by presenting a paper, hosting a tutorial or instructional course or demonstrating its research products in demo sessions, by contributing towards panels and discussions in the event's field of interest or by presenting their project, be it by setting up an exhibition booth, by being profiled in the event's web presence or printed materials or by suggesting keynote speakers or specific thematic sessions.

Special conditions are also available for Research Projects which wish to hold meetings at INSTICC events.

Current Academic Partners:

University of Crete

The University of Crete is a young public educational institution committed to excellence in research and teaching. Established in 1973, the University accepted its first students in 1977-78. It now has 16 Departments in 5 Schools (Philosophy, Education, Social, Economic & Political Sciences, Sciences & Engineering, and Medicine) as well as a number of affiliated research-oriented institutions, including the Skinakas Observatory, the Natural History Museum, and the University General Hospital. Currently, over 16,000 undergraduates and 2500 postgraduate students are registered here. They are educated by an outward looking academic faculty of around 500 members, supported by adjunct lecturers, post-doctoral researchers, laboratory support staff and instructors, as well as around 300 technical and administrative support staff.

Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche

The Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD) is one of the research institutes of the Italian National Research Council. The institute is devoted to the study of educational innovation brought about through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The research undertaken focuses on:
- the integration of ICT in various educational settings (school, university, business)
- issues related to different disciplines and themes (humanities, sciences, environmental education, etc.)
- learning issues of particular social significance (disability, learning difficulties, social disadvantage, intercultural issues, etc.)
- the study of technological innovation as a learning resource.
The main areas of reference for the Institute''s research work are the cognitive sciences, computer science and the pedagogy of the various disciplines. ITD is the only public scientific institute in Italy entirely devoted to studying how ICT-based tools and methods can innovate learning and teaching processes. The institute’s mission is to perform research studies and technology transfer activities focusing on: ICT as a resource for teaching/learning processes; innovative approaches to the design, management and assessment of learning environments; study of new educational needs and opportunities brought about by ICT.
