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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

CSEDU 2020

Best Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Boosting Early Detection of Spring Semester Freshmen Attrition: A Preliminary Exploration
Eitel J. M. Lauría, Eric Stenton and Edward Presutti

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
The Effects of Augmented Reality: A Comparative Study in an Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Course
Sebastian Kapp, Michael Thees, Fabian Beil, Thomas Weatherby, Jan-Philipp Burde, Thomas Wilhelm and Jochen Kuhn

Best Poster Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery
Atis Kapenieks, Iveta Daugule, Kristaps Kapenieks, Viktors Zagorskis, Janis Kapenieks jun., Zanis Timsans and Ieva Vitolina

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
stARS: Proposing an Adaptable Collaborative Learning Environment to Support Communication in the Classroom
Tommy Kubica, Ilja Shmelkin, Robert Peine, Lidia Roszko and Alexander Schill

Best Industrial Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
PROGDASH: Lessons Learned from a Learning Dashboard In-the-wild
Mohamed Ez-zaouia, Aurélien Tabard and Elise Lavoué

Best Demo Paper Award

CSEDU 2019

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Towards Visual Explorations of Forums’ Collective Dynamics in Learning Management Systems
Malik Koné, Madeth May, Sébastien Iksal and Souleyman Oumtanaga

Best Poster Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Conducting an Experiment for Validating the Combined Model of Immersion and Flow
Ehm Kannegieser, Daniel Atorf and Josua Meier

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Learning Analytics in Higher Education using Peer-feedback and Self-assessment: Use Case of an Academic Writing Course
Sabine Seufert, Josef Guggemos and Stefan Sonderegger

Best PhD Project Award

Designing Learning Technology: An African HCI Approach
Muhammad Sadi Adamu

CSEDU 2018

Best Paper Award

Area: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Library Not Found - The Disconnect between Gaming Research and Development
Marcello Passarelli, Jeffrey Earp, Francesca Maria Dagnino, Flavio Manganello, Donatella Persico, Francesca Pozzi, Thomas Buijtenweg, Mata Haggis, Chris Bailey and Carlo Perrotta

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance
Tsegaye Misikir Tashu and Tomáš Horváth

Area: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Elementary Math to Close the Digital Skills Gap
Pia Niemelä and Antti Valmari

Best Poster Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
A Platform for the Italian Bebras
Carlo Bellettini, Fabrizio Carimati, Violetta Lonati, Riccardo Macoratti, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga and Anna Morpurgo

Best Demo Paper Award

CSEDU 2017

Best Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Improving Student Content Retention using a Classroom Response System
Robert Collier and Jalal Kawash

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Supporting Decision-making Activities in Multi-Surface Learning Environments
Lili Tong, Audrey Serna, Sébastien George and Aurélien Tabard

Best Poster Award

Area: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Real Time Color Codes in a Classroom - Position Paper
Laura Dzelzkaleja

Best PhD Project Award

Implementation of a Framework for e-Assessment on Students’ Devices
Bastian Küppers and Ulrik Schroeder

CSEDU 2016

Best Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
EduBridge Social - Bridging Social Networks and Learning Management Systems
Luciana Oliveira and Álvaro Figueira

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Social Context and Learning Environments
New Ways to Tell my Story - Evaluation of a Digital Storytelling Workshop for Older Adults
Simone Hausknecht, Michelle Vanchu-Orosco and David Kaufman

Best Poster Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Adaptive and Blended Learning for Electrical Operators Training - With Virtual Reality Systems
Yasmín Hernández and Miguel Pérez Ramírez

Best PhD Project Award

The Third Wave of Informatization - Mobile Learning and Social Networks in the Modern School for Upgrading the Educational Process
Diana O. Koroleva

CSEDU 2015

Best Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Stability and Sensitivity of Learning Analytics based Prediction Models
Dirk Tempelaar, Bart Rienties and Bas Giesbers

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Towards Enhanced Presentation-based Teaching of Programming - An Interactive Source Code Visualisation Approach
Reinout Roels, Paul Meştereagă and Beat Signer

Best PhD Project Award

Intelligent and Adaptive Student Support in FLIP - Early Computer Programming
Sokratis Karkalas and Sergio Gutierrez-Santos

CSEDU 2014

Best Paper Award

Area: Social Context and Learning Environments
Using a Participatory Design Approach to Create and Sustain an Innovative Technology-rich STEM Classroom - One School's Story
Mary L. Stephen, Sharon M. Locke and Georgia L. Bracey

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
An Exercise Assistant for Practical Networking Courses
Jens Haag, Christian Witte, Stefan Karsch, Harald Vranken and Marko van Eekelen

CSEDU 2013

Best Paper Award

Area: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Identifying Learner’s Engagement in Learning Games - A Qualitative Approach based on Learner’s Traces of Interaction
Patrice Bouvier, Élise Lavoué, Karim Sehaba and Sébastien George

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Evaluation of an Augmented-Reality-based 3D User Interface to Enhance the 3D-Understanding of Molecular Chemistry
Patrick Maier and Gudrun Klinker

CSEDU 2012

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Stefan Weinbrenner, Jan Engler, Pouyan Fotouhi-Tehrani and H. Ulrich Hoppe

CSEDU 2011

Best Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Gözde Özbal and Carlo Strapparava

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Nguyen Thai-Nghe, Lucas Drumond, Tomáš Horváth, Alexandros Nanopoulos and Lars Schmidt-Thieme

CSEDU 2010

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

CSEDU 2009

Best Demo Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

CSEDU 2009

Best Paper Award
Mari Ervasti and Minna Isomursu

Best Student Paper Award
Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring
