08:30 Welcome Desk & Registration (08:30 - 09:00)
09:00 - 10:30 - Room MR. 05 Parallel Session 5 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 156: A Study of the Acceptance of Facial Authentication in Distance Education in Different Spanish Speaking Countries Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez and Iván García-Magariño
  • 157: Can an Electronic Health Record be Also an Achievable and Sustainable Vehicle for Clinical Staff Training? - The Importance of e-Learning in Medical Education Accomplished in a Real Operational Hospital Context Giorgio Lissoni, Giovanna Orlando, Stefania Merli, Andrea Mascheroni, Sergio Orlando, Paolo Vanelli, Claudio Savi, Carlo Antona, Giorgio Orsi and Giuliano Rizzardini
  • 212: Towards a New Generation of Learning Management Systems Hubert Vogten and Rob Koper
  • 255: Scaling Software Experiments to the Thousands Christian Neuhaus, Frank Feinbube, Andreas Polze and Arkady Retik
09:00 - 10:30 - Room MR. 06 Parallel Session 5a - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 47: Through the Lens of Third Space Theory - Possibilities for Research Methodologies in Educational Technologies Kathy Jordan and Jennifer Elsden-Clifton
  • 83: Course Recommendation from Social Data Hana Bydžovská and Lubomír Popelínský
  • 246: Graph Mining for Automatic Classification of Logical Proofs Karel Vaculík and Luboš Popelínský
09:00 - 10:30 - Room MR. 07 Parallel Session 5 - Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
  • 123: Developing Web-based Tutorial Modules to Support Training for Group-based Mentoring Sharon Locke, Georgia Bracey and Stephen Marlette
  • 153: A Blended Health Science Education Graduate Program - Integrating Technology Assignments into Coursework Sharla King, Kim Peacock and Lili Liu
  • 168: Integrating Computers, Science, and Mathematics - A Course for Future Mathematics Teachers Alfinio Flores
09:00 - 10:30 - Room MR. 08 Parallel Session 5 - Social Context and Learning Environments
  • 204: How Youth Construct Learning Trajectories in the Digital Age? Pasqueline Dantas Scaico and Ruy José Guerra Barretto de Queiroz
  • 222: Guided Participatory Research on Parallel Computer Architectures for K-12 Students Through a Narrative Approach Valentina Mazzoni, Luigina Mortari, Federico Corni and Davide Bertozzi
  • 224: The Impact of High Dropout Rates in a Large Public Brazilian University - A Quantitative Approach Using Educational Data Mining Laci Mary Barbosa Manhães, Sérgio Manuel Serra da Cruz and Geraldo Zimbrão
10:30 Coffee-Break (10:30 - 10:45)
10:45 - 12:15 - Room MR. 05 Parallel Session 6 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 58: POMDP Framework for Building an Intelligent Tutoring System Fangju Wang
  • 109: Assistance for Learning Design Community - A Context-awareness and Pattern-based Approach Jean-Pierre Clayer, Claudine Piau-Toffolon and Christophe Choquet
  • 114: Information System Support for Quality Management Applying European Standards and Guidelines for Higher Education Ulf Schreier, Marius Reusch, Marc Hüffmeyer and David Belzer
10:45 - 12:15 - Room MR. 06 Parallel Session 6a - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 50: Perceived Quality of Service and Content-based Bandwidth Management in e/m-Learning Smart Environments for the Cultural Heritage Cristina De Castro
  • 189: A Usability Evaluation of Graphical Modelling Languages for Authoring Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments Ahmad Ewais and Olga De Troyer
  • 191: Automated Generation of High School Geometric Questions Involving Implicit Construction Rahul Singhal, Martin Henz and Kevin McGee
  • 195: Leveraging Video Annotations in Video-based e-Learning Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié and Camila Canellas
10:45 - 12:15 - Room MR. 07 Parallel Session 6 - Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
  • 81: Automatic Objective Assessments of Japanese Reading Difficulty with the Operation Records on Japanese Text Presentation System - Design and Implementation Kyota Aoki, Shinjiro Murayama and Kohji Harada
  • 95: Developed and Taught Course Modules to Enhance Cloud Computing Education Huiming Yu, Nakia Powell, Dexter Stembridge and Jonathan Rann
10:45 - 12:15 - Room MR. 08 Parallel Session 6 - Ubiquitous Learning
  • 26: Customised eTextbooks - A Stakeholder Perspective Clemens Bechter and Yves-Gorat Stommel
  • 184: Barbie Bungee Jumping, Technology and Contextualised Learning of Mathematics Aibhin Bray and Brendan Tangney
12:15 Lunch (12:15 - 13:30)
13:30 - 15:00 - Room MR. 05 Parallel Session 7 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 23: Mastery Profiling Through Entity Linking - To Support Project Team Formation in Higher Education Alexander M. Olieman and Frank Nack
  • 46: Benefits and Barriers of Older Adults’ Digital Gameplay David Kaufman, Louise Sauvé, Lise Renaud and Emmanuel Duplàa
  • 173: Improving the Usability of Manga-on-a-Tablet for Collaborative Learning Ryouhei Egusa, Hideo Funaoi , Takafumi Daikoku, Ryosuke Inai, Fusako Kusunoki, Makiko Takenaka, Takao Terano and Shigenori Inagaki
  • 229: The Educational Potential of Technologies for Older People - Reflections on the Well-being Anelise Jantsch, Simone C. O. Conceição and José Valdeni de Lima
13:30 - 15:00 - Room MR. 06 Parallel Session 7 - Domain Applications and Case Studies
  • 149: Envisioning an Advanced ICT-supported Build-up of Manufacturing Skills for the Factories of the Future Joao Costa, Dimitris Kiritsis, Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Manuel Oliveira, Loukas Rentzos, Hadrien Szigeti and Marco Taisch
  • 178: Development and Practical Application of a Relationship Diagram-creation Tool Centering on Automatic Creation Functionality Norio Ishii, Yuri Suzuki and Saori Sakuma
  • 21: A Study on the Permeation and Scope of ICT Intervention at the Indian Rural Primary School Level Shrabastee Banerjee, Kalyan Sankar Mandal and Priyadarshini Dey
  • 79: 3D Online Virtual Museum as e-Learning Tool - A Mixed Reality Experience Dragoş Gheorghiu and Livia Ştefan
15:00 Coffee-Break (15:00 - 15:15)
15:15 - 16:45 - Room MR. 05 Parallel Session 8 - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 160: An IEEE 1599 Framework to Play Music Intuitively - The Metapiano Case Study Luca Andrea Ludovico and Mario Malcangi
  • 233: Educational Application Design Process Experiences - Case Perioperative Nursing Minna Silvennoinen and Antti Pirhonen
  • 247: e-Teaching Assistant - A Social Intelligent Platform Supporting Teachers in the Collaborative Creation of Courses Marco Mesiti, Stefano Valtolina, Simone Bassis, Francesco Epifania and Bruno Apolloni
15:15 - 16:45 - Room MR. 06 Parallel Session 8a - Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • 127: Piloting the eBig3 - A Triple-screen e-Learning Approach Atis Kapenieks, Bruno Zuga, Ieva Vitolina, Janis Kapenieks jr., Aleksandrs Gorbunovs, Merija Jirgensons, Janis Kapenieks sr., Ieva Kudina, Kristaps Kapenieks, Rudolfs Gulbis and Antra Balode
  • 181: The Virtual Design Workshop - An Online Adaptive Resource for Teaching Design in Engineering Alexandra Vassar, B. Gangadhara Prusty, Nadine Marcus and Robin Ford
  • 243: Developing Open Source Dataloggers for Inquiry Learning George Hloupis, Vassilis Bimpikas, Ilias Stavrakas, Konstantinos Moutzouris, Charalampos Stergiopoulos and Dimos Triantis
16:45 - 17:45 - Room MR. 09 Keynote Lecture Digital Age Learning - The Changing Face of Online Education Steve Wheeler, Plymouth Institute of Education, Plymouth University, United Kingdom
17:45 - 18:00 - Room MR. 09 Closing Session
18:00 Farewell Drink (18:00 - 18:45)