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Universities, R&D Groups and Academic Networks

CSEDU is a unique forum for universities, research groups and research projects to present their research and scientific results, be it by presenting a paper, hosting a tutorial or instructional course or demonstrating its research products in demo sessions, by contributing towards panels and discussions in the event's field of interest or by presenting their project, be it by setting up an exhibition booth, by being profiled in the event's web presence or printed materials or by suggesting keynote speakers or specific thematic sessions.

Special conditions are also available for Research Projects which wish to hold meetings at INSTICC events.

Current Academic Partners:

The International Telematic University (UNINETTUNO)

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established by the decree of the 15th April 2005 of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, delivers academic titles having a legal value in Italy, Europe and in the Mediterranean Countries, for first-cycle (bachelor) degrees, specialisation degrees (master), doctor’s degrees and master’s degrees. In the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO distinguished lecturers of important universities worldwide deliver their courses in the Internet-based real and virtual spaces in Italian, Arabic, English and French.

Talk, Tutor, Explore, Learn: Intelligent Tutoring and Exploration for Robust Learning

iTalk2Learn is a 3 year collaborative European project (Nov 2012 – Oct 2015) with the aim of developing an open-source intelligent tutoring platform that supports maths learning for students aged 5 to 11. The iTalk2Learn project developed and researched the next generation of intelligent tutoring systems by using speech recognition and affect detection technologies in combination with machine learning to provide holistic support to students leading to robust learning. Student support in iTalk2Learn is holistic along the following three intertwined dimensions: integration of speech production and recognition, interleaving of exploratory and structured activities, and cognitive and affect-aware interventions. In each of these three dimensions iTalk2Learn innovated, but even more important, each dimension strengthened each other: exploratory activities lend themselves better to reflection and thus stimulate students to provide verbal utterances that could be analysed for cues that reveal information about their cognitive and affective state. This in turn allows targeted, accurate and fine-grained individualized interventions to be provided that guide learners through the exploratory activities. All this information from their interaction allows the building of individualized task sequences comprised of both, structured and exploratory activities.

Learn PAd

Modern public administrations (PAs) are undergoing a profound transformation of their role, from rigid controllers to proactive service providers. However, PA services has to cope with quickly changing context such as : changes in law and regulations, societal globalization, fast technology evolution. As a result PA servants delivering such services to citizens are challenged to learn, to understand and to put in action latest procedures and rules within tight time constraints. The EC FP7 Project Learn PAd enables a model-driven learning approach, through an open platform fostering cooperation and knowledge-sharing and exploiting process simulation for an effective training and assessment. Learn PAd considers learning and working strongly intertwined (learning-while-doing). The platform supports both an informative learning approach based on enriched business process models, and a procedural learning approach based on simulation and monitoring (learning-by-doing). The Learn PAd platform organizes knowledge, and bases the learning activities, according to several model kinds permitting to describe the activities to perform by the PA servants and their working context. Also, the platform relies on formal verification and natural language processing techniques to ensure accuracy of content and documentation. Finally it exploits specialized ontologies and KPIs purposely defined to keep learners engaged.

Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach

Transversal skills such as language skills, interpersonal communication skills, patient management skills and digital skills are crucial for employability of youth. Thus, through establishing the context-related form of open educational resources, the project  applies innovative approaches and integrates them via specialist language learning into dentistry competence-based education  by using such strategies as examining real-life practical experience, developing evidence, based on reliable case studies that concern oral health-quality of life, and considering the importance of cultural and linguistic issues in clinical care, such as health care process, quality of care, patient satisfaction, dentist-patient communication. As dental settings vary both within the same country and between countries, the project, in addition, develops soft transversal skills, such as creativity, innovative capacity, critical thinking and communication proficiency.

The project focuses on establishing transnational synergies between HEIs and partnerships with professional organizations in the field of dentistry to develop and pilot a new study course that provides opportunities for students to acquire new transversal skills and competences to facilitate their  future employability. The project facilitates an increasing permeability between educational establishments and partnership organizations to bridge the gap between higher education and labour market in order to share competences in promoting cross-sectional cooperation.
