Higher Order Thinking in Online Classes
Faced with the prospect of developing and teaching an online course, it's only natural to start by pondering, "What am I going to do?"
This workshop will present the argument, however, that the more important question is, "What are my students going to do?"
Although humans are pre-wired to store and recall information, it takes effort and engagement to build out the neural structures that are required for higher order thinking.
Advancements in our understanding of cognitive processing suggest that deep learning (the kind that enables problem-solving, creativity, and analysis, for example) occurs only
when we move beyond recall and recognition to more complex, engaging tasks. Online courses have an unprecedented opportunity to act as a catalyst for meaningful change in education by
focusing on student engagement – after all, there's no way to sit passively in the back row of the online classroom.
Participants in this workshop will explore strategies for utilizing online tools and resources that guide learners toward more complex thinking, problem-solving, and self-regulation.
Bring a course syllabus and willingness to try something new!
Tutorial Objectives
After participating in this tutorial, you should be able to:
Explain the value of incorporating higher order thinking skills into online instruction;
Identify specific higher order thinking skills you'd like your students to learn;
Use online tools to integrate higher order thinking skills into your instruction.
- What are higher order thinking skills (HOTS)?
- Why are they important?
Course Design Basics
- Three-step model for building courses, units, or lessons
- Events of instruction
Teaching HOTS with Online Tools
- Problem-solving
- Analogical reasoning
- Self-explaining
- Synthesizing information
- Creating visual representations of learning
Experience with online tools for teaching and learning
Intended Experience level
Beginner to Moderately Experienced
Biography of Susan M. Zvacek
Susan M. Zvacek has been involved with higher education for more than twenty years and has worked in community college, corporate, university, and adult education environments.
Currently, she is the Senior Director for Teaching Excellence and Learning Technologies at Fort Hays State University, in Hays, Kansas.
Dr. Zvacek holds a B.A. in Speech from Iowa State University, a Master's in Education from the University of Utah, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instructional Technology, also from Iowa State University.
Her scholarly work has been primarily in the field of educational technology, with publications and presentations at national and
international conferences on topics such as higher order thinking skills, distance education, and the assessment of learning using online tools.
She is co-author of a popular textbook, Teaching and Learning at a Distance (now in its fifth edition) and Blackboard for Dummies.
e-mail: csedu.secretariat@insticc.org
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