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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.

Tutorial on
Exploring Computer-Based Learning Behaviour Using Lag Sequential Analysis Technique


Nurbiha A. Shukor
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Brief Bio
Nurbiha is an educational technologist, a senior lecturer from School of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the past 8 years. Her research interest is on educational data mining, online learning and learning analytics. She has been using lag sequential analysis in many of her research and tutored many PhD candidates into employing lag sequential analysis for investigating online learning behaviour. An example of her work using this technique can be read in the following article: Exploring students' knowledge construction strategies in computer-supported collaborative learning discussions using sequential analysis. She has conducted the similar tutorial at International Conference on Computers in Education 2018 (ICCE 2018). is also currently serving as the Deputy Director Teaching and Learning at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

In computer-based education, students’ learning behavior can be at macro and micro level. At macro level, students’ learning behavior can include posting comments, viewing learning materials, or answering quizzes. At micro level, learning behavior can be viewed from the way students interact with peers and instructors such as sharing facts, elaborating ideas, or arguing. At micro level, understanding these behaviours usually applied content analysis technique but little is known about how significant were these learning behavior. Identifying the significant sequence of behaviours can assist social science researchers to evaluate the learning pattern and strategize the most effective intervention to induce the desired learning behavior. This tutorial will demonstrate the data analysis process to evaluate learning behavior using lag sequential analysis technique. It will also explain how data are interpreted and how report is written based on the data to be provide a meaningful contribution to a social science study.

descriptive learning analytics, sequential analysis

Aims and Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to describe lag sequential analysis concept, use lag sequential analysis software to analyze computer-based learning behavior

Target Audience
Educational psychologist, graduate students, educational technology researcher

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience
None but knowledge about content analysis would help to understand the workshop better

Detailed Outline
• Research in Computer-based Learning Behaviour
• My Research Example
• Data requirement for lag-sequential analysis
• Hands on GSEQ software
• Data preparation – Checking for errors
• Running Data analysis
• Data interpretation
• Output representation


descriptive learning analytics, sequential analysis

Aims and Learning Objectives

At the end of the session, participants will be able to describe lag sequential analysis concept, use lag sequential analysis software to analyze computer-based learning behavior

Target Audience

Educational psychologist, graduate students, educational technology researcher

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

None but knowledge about content analysis would help to understand the workshop better

Detailed Outline

• Research in Computer-based Learning Behaviour
• My Research Example
• Data requirement for lag-sequential analysis
• Hands on GSEQ software
• Data preparation – Checking for errors
• Running Data analysis
• Data interpretation
• Output representation

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