Maria Cristina Barba,
University of Salento, Italy
Ciril Bohak,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nicola Capece,
University of Basilicata, Italy
Laura Cercenelli,
eDIMES Lab – Laboratory of Bioengineering, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
Donatella Ciarmoli,
Pegaso Telematic University, Italy
Lucio Tommaso De Paolis,
University of Salento, Italy
Giovanni D'Errico,
Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
Federica Faggiano,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Luigi Gallo,
Pegaso Telematic University, Italy
Carola Gatto,
University of Salento, Italy
Andrea Generosi,
Pegaso Telematic University, Italy
Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini,
Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
Magdalena Igras Cybulska,
Interactive Crafts sp. z o.o., Poland
Aniruddha Srinivas Joshi,
Independent Researcher, United States
Georgios Lampropoulos,
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece
Maria Elena Latino,
University of Salento, Italy
Gilda Manfredi,
University of Basilicata, Italy
Emanuela Marcelli,
University of Bologna, Italy
Matija Marolt,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Angelo Martella,
University of Salento, Italy
Marta Mondellini,
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Department of Psychology, Milan/National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Javier Marín Morales,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Stylianos Mystakidis,
University of Patras, Greece
Giulia Pellegrino,
University of Salento, Italy
Marta Pizzolante,
Research Center in Communication Psychology (PsiCom), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan), Italy
Bruno Rodriguez-Garcia,
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Burgos, Spain
Erica Santaguida,
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
Caterina Sapone,
Pegaso Telematic University, Italy
Stefano Triberti,
Department of Psychology and Education, Università Telematica Pegaso, Italy
Ersilia Vallefuoco,
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Ïo Valls Ratés,
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Aleksandra Witoszek Kubicka,
Krakow University of Economics, Poland
Marco Zappatore,
University of Salento, Italy
(list not yet complete)